Website Re-Design

Do You Need Help Getting A Website Re-Design?Are Your Looking For A Web Re-Design?

Are you looking for a website re-design agency?

Websites can be a little like us, we all sometimes need a fresh coat of paint, a makeover, a face-mask or a face-lift. 

They can be the same as us in many ways; they get old, tired, out of date or just in need of a change.  As time goes on, things come and go out of style. 

What looked good last year, looks dated this year.  Colours that stood out before now look a little drab and unattractive.  

Getting a website re-design is necessary for the same reasons. Pictures on the site may need changed, perhaps due to moving offices or changing stock.

Getting a website re-design is important for your SEO too.  Search engines crawl websites regularly and look for changes.   Using someone that knows about search engine optimisation is wise.

If a website is static and remains more or less the same, the search engines come back less and less frequently to index it. Then the website can become pushed to the side. 

What this means is that the website slips down the search engine rankings and will be overlooked.

A website re-design should be be done every year or so, both for search engines and for human visitors.

Ask yourself, how long has your website looked as it does?  

If it is longer than a year then, yes, it could probably do with a change. 

Perhaps nothing massive, maybe something subtle.  Such as changing some text on the homepage, adding a link to your Facebook or posting a recent article; along with a colour change or design change.

Asking several website designers to give their opinion is not going to cost anything.  It may result in your business moving to a new level, through bringing more of the right customers to your site, and away from the competition.

What Is Involved With Website Re-Design?

Getting a website re-design does not need to be a massive and expensive process. 

The first thing that you need to do is to get the website audited, to see how it is performing, what changes are needed and if it is just design that needs done (or if it is coding)?

Just like a new coat of paint in a room it can be a new skin for the site, new colours or a new layout.

Search engines like google do not pay much attention to pictures and colours, but more to text, headings, titles and the content of the site.

We humans, on the other hand, like the opposite.  Lots of nice pictures, colours pleasing to the eye and we scan the words. By getting a website re-design, a happy medium is what is needed.  

Applying a new coat of paint, some new furniture, and new carpet may be enough to see the job done. 

In web terms the equivalent would be a new layout of the homepage, which is your shop window, a new colour scheme and additional information.  The result will keep people interested and hopefully keep them coming back.

How Much Does A Website Re-Design Cost?

The cost of getting a website re-design would depend really on how much you want to spend.  A few changes can cost a few hundred pounds.  A complete overhaul could cost a few thousand. 

It all depends on how much you are prepared to spend, and how many changes you would like to see made. Website design prices will vary depending on the amount of work or changes that you had in mind.  But also the costs the website designer charges, as there is no industry standard.

Setting a budget is important as it will give the designer an idea of how much work you feel is required. 

Very often something that looks to be a small change, like moving a box of text from one side of a page to the other side, may involve hours of work.  The reason is because things ‘under the hood’ are often quite different to how they appear on the outside.

Tips For Website Re-Design

Updating your site regularly is a good thing.  Making regular website improvements can radically change how the site performs.  

Do not do too many changes too regular or leave too long an interval.  Search engines do like small tweaks and modifications, over weekly changes or no changes as all.

Some tips and advice for making changes would be:

  • Change or modify your homepage every year; it does not need to be a major change
  • Keep your site seasonal – if it is Christmas, put a Christmas blessing or picture on the homepage
  • Get a mini-blog and keep it updated
  • Change the layout of the site each year and modify the colour scheme
  • Keep new contact updated on the site every month or two

Two things need to be considered when getting a website re-design:

  1. Search Engines
  2. Human visitors

Both of these are important and are equally balanced. 

If search engines like you, you will get more visitors. 

If humans like you, the visitors turn into prospects. It is always worth getting some free advice from website designers as to what changes can be made to get the site updated.  

Getting a website re-design is not throwing money away, it is investing in a sales resource.  

Designers can provide you with ideas and options for changes.  Whether small or large, and may be able to point out something that will make all the difference to attracting more business via your website.  It might be an error on the site or a tweak that needs to be done.

Choosing a marketing company to handle your website re-design needs to be done with care.  Do they know your industry, do they understand your product/service?

We want to help you find the ‘right’ web designer to handle your website re-design.  It is not about finding you the cheapest quote, but the best agency.

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