Website Designers In Bath

Website Designers In BathCompare Quotes From 5 Web Designers In Bath

There are around 50 website designers in Bath, mainly smaller website design agencies and freelancers that work from home.  

In addition there are a few marketing agencies in Bath that offer website design as part of a range of marketing services.

Selecting the right agency for your business is important, as it needs to sell you, and fit into your industry sector.

Just fill in the form to receive free quotes and advice from web design companies in Bath that have experience in your industry sector.

Why Do You Need A Website?

All companies in Bath are different, from the Roman Baths which is 2000 years old, to Bath Approach Golf course.  All need to have a website set up, but each for different reasons.

The Roman Baths need a website to get bookings and to showcase what is to see each day, also to host events.  Golf courses in Bath need a website to get new members to sign up.  Bath has a wide range of businesses, mainly targeting the tourist industry, since Bath has a history going back to the Roman period.

However every business needs to have a website set up for different reasons.

Website Platform

Since all companies in Bath are different and each uses a website for different reason, selecting the right website platform is important.

There are a variety of different website platforms that websites are built on, choosing the right one for your business is the first step and will effect which web designer in Bath you select.  Here are a few different website platforms:

  • WordPress
  • Joomla
  • Squarespace
  • Wix
  • Fasthosts
  • Shopify

New website platforms crop up as technology marches on.  Most web designers in Bath only design websites on one or two of the above website platforms.  Some can create a bespoke website for you to suit your own needs, but choosing the right web designer for your business is important.

Did You Have A Website Brief?

Did you have a website design brief to send to website design agencies in Bath to look at, this should give them an idea of what kind of website you want (or need).

All web designers in Bath need a starting point, if anything to know what colours you want to go with, or sending some examples of websites that you like the look of.

How many pages did you want (or need), and what about adding new website content?

Here are a few points to consider including in the website brief:

  • Did you know the colour scheme?
  • What websites have you seen that you like?
  • What particular features did you need, such as a payment gateway?
  • How many pages did you want/need?
  • Did you have a budget to keep to?
  • Which web platform should you choose?
  • Who would create the website content?
  • Did you want videos on the website?
  • What about hosting?
  • What about marketing?

There are of course lots of other things to consider, since websites can range in price from £500 to £50,000 depending on a wide range of factors.  The main one being, how long it takes to create the website and what features you want, if it is built on a standard web platform or whether it is built from scratch as a custom design.

Bath And Marketing

Bath & Wells has a strong pull on creativity and the arts. The university is renowned for its creative departments, and design is popular resulting in nearly sixty web studios being based in the area.

Most of the website companies in Bath are smaller design studios that serve SME’s, and other local businesses. 

Despite it having a mainly tourist facing industry, there are still a wide multitude of businesses in the area that help.  Companies such as undertakers, solicitors, estate agents, retail and accountants.  

There are many PR agencies in Bath that can help support you through the local media.

Working With A Local Expert

It is somewhat cut off in some respects from the rest of England, as it is nestled in the hills of Somerset. 

Therefore for businesses in and around Bath is is good to select a local web pro.  They will provide a more “hands on” approach than a web designer who is based in Manchester or Leeds.

Choosing a website design agency that is local also allows the opportunity for you to meet to talk through ideas and designs face to face.

Usually meetings do provide more value than a conversation via phone or e-mail, as well as enabling you to put a face to a name.

Industry experience is also something to be considered when looking into local creative experts.  

If they have experience in your industry, then they are much more likely to produce something that not only looks good, but works well in producing results.

Points To Consider Discussing With Web Designers

When talking to web designers in Bath, here are a few things to consider discussing with them:

  • Website Platform – Which web platforms do they have experience working with?
  • Website Content – Who will write the content of your website, can you support?
  • Website Hosting – Where will you host your website?
  • Website Marketing – Once the website is created, how do you get website visitors?

These are all important points to consider discussing with web designers in Bath.  Not all web designers have web servers, and therefore cannot host your website.  There are plenty of web hosting companies in the UK to choose though.

Your marketing is important, as not all web designers in Bath offer marketing support such as setting up a PPC campaign for you or doing SEO on your website.

Have you considered using a social media influencer to support your brand, they can market you to their millions of followers.  In fact since the lockdown periods of 2020, many people have started a full time career as a social media influencer

Ideally you need to appear in the organic results on Google & Bing, and appear on page 1.  However depending on how competitive your industry is, this could take a lot of time.

Compare Multiple Website Design Quotes In Bath

All web design agencies in Bath are different, all are individual companies offering different web design pricing

Getting the cheapest price does not mean you will have the best website, but it is wise to get a few quotes from local designers to compare, and to discover what the average price should be. 

Indeed quality does come at a price and good designers are worth their weight in gold, but there is the need to see where savings can be made, without cutting design corners.

To compare design ideas and receive quotes from several local web design experts in Bath, just complete the form opposite.

Bath In A Snapshot

Bath is most renowned for its Roman Baths, being the spiritual and political centre of culture in AD 43. 

The city is steeped in history from the bronze age, iron age and the Romans, giving it a very special place in English history. 

The unique hot water spas have made it a spiritual centre for centuries, and down the centuries the baths have been in constant use since the Romans first settled. 

Bath has splendid examples of Georgian and Victorian architecture.  Boasting some of the most impressive private houses, which have been used in countless movies and films. 

These days Bath is known for tourism, and with over 3.5 million visitors every year this remains the city’s main source of income.

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