Twelve is a creative, responsive, award-winning PR and digital marketing agency providing results-driven, multi-channel campaigns.
Recognition and awareness can open so many doors, which is why delivering solid media relations remains the bedrock of our agency.
Brands have to work harder now than ever before to achieve great results – there are so many media channels to be coordinated to achieve impact. That’s why PR should be part of an integrated approach, and why using an experienced agency like Twelve can make all the difference.
As well as writing for the web, we’ve invested in video storyboarding and scriptwriting, filming and Final Cut Pro editing training for our digital team so we have every channel covered.
Research can deliver powerful publicity platforms. We conduct original research to the highest standards and our experience helps us to really ‘sweat’ data to produce insights which give maximum PR value.
We can help you make the most of these communications platforms, and work with our clients to ensure they are used wisely and effectively.
Our in-house digital coaches are on hand to guide you through subjects such as Facebook’s quirks, Twitter’s trends, how to communicate beautifully on Instagram or when and how to work with influencers across social media channels.
A thorough understanding of our clients’ business
We make it our business to know your business. We trawl your target media and get to know your sector. Every client receives a daily news round-up each morning – we search across media key platforms and send links to key stories that could impact upon your organisation.
Sustained creativity provided through our ‘Twelve ideas’ concept
We present a new idea at each status meeting – twelve new ideas a year in addition to the agreed programme. This means we keep our fingers on the pulse and are constantly on the look out for new opportunities for you.
A commitment to strategic thinking
Coverage for the sake of coverage is not what we’re about. We generate coverage that helps build your business by agreeing on business objectives and working with you to present the right messages. We constantly review these and measure everything we do against them.
Strong writing skills across all channels
Whether it’s 280 characters or 5000 words, they all have to work equally hard to present your messages in a way that resonates with your target audiences. We put great store on good writing capabilities and constantly train and retrain to sustain excellent content and copy across all media channels.
Campaign evaluation
Our campaign evaluation skills are second to none. We work with you from the outset to put in place measurement criteria that suit you and will let you know exactly how they are being met at any time.
Bright, smart, articulate people to handle your business
PR becomes more multi-faceted by the day and an agency needs adaptable, clever people with a wide range of skills who can think on their feet and respond well. We employ high calibre graduates and invest in continuous training right across the agency. Oh, and people do seem to like us too!
Insights make news and we are one of the few PR agencies with a qualified market researcher on our main board to help produce and interrogate data for strong news angles. Plus our long experience ensures we automatically hone in on anything with a potential news hook.
Rigorous attention to detail
Check, check and check again is our motto. From numbers to job titles, we know just how annoying it is when your agency gets them wrong. So we do all we can to make sure that we don’t.
Relevant media contacts
Even in today’s digital age where everything is wanted online, building relationships with the media still counts. It ensures your email is read, your tweet noticed and, when things are not going smoothly, our call is taken. We work hard to be known and noticed where it matters – your target media.
Discretion at all times
With crisis PR in particular, trust and honesty matter. You need to know that you can talk openly and develop strategies safe in the knowledge that things shared go no further.
Team flexibility to operate at all levels in an organisation
PR’s a funny old business. One day you can be interviewing a doorman for an internal publication, the next you can be writing a speech for a celebrity A-lister, filming the CEO for YouTube, or briefing a BBC news crew. Whatever the occasion, our team will have the right man or woman for the job so it goes without a hitch.
An investment in staff training
Every single member of staff has a minimum £1200 annual training budget. We put great store on continuous training – the speed with which our industry changes, we’d be fools not too.
Seeing your name or brand in print, or seeing or hearing it broadcast or online gives a real buzz and can change opinions and reputations in a flash.
Recognition and awareness can open so many doors, which is why delivering solid media relations remains the bedrock of our agency.
Brands have to work harder now than ever before to achieve great results – there are so many media channels to be coordinated to achieve impact. That’s why PR should be part of an integrated approach, and why using an experienced agency like Twelve can make all the difference.
If you’re reading this because you’re wondering how to cope with a potential crisis, this is good news. Because sound preparation is central to good crisis management and you’re looking in exactly the right place.
Twelve has helped clients produce positive outcomes from seemingly hopeless negative situations – product recalls, personnel issues, industrial action, accidents at work, even suspected terrorist threats.
And of course some situations are kept out of the media altogether thanks to careful planning and know-how.
Twelve has a wealth of experience in crisis management and is widely recognised by it clients for its wise and confidential counsel in this respect.
No digital strategy is complete without solid, interesting and, at times, amusing online content that reflects the true essence of your business. From 280 characters to blogs and vlogs, we’ll have you covered.
As well as writing for the web, we’ve invested in video storyboarding and scriptwriting, filming and Final Cut Pro editing training for our digital team so we have every channel covered.
The answer to almost any question nowadays is ‘Google’. That’s why Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is so important – a first page Google listing can make all the difference to your business.
But Google search algorithms and criteria are famously changeable and secretive. Panda, Penguin and Pigeon may be the names for significant updates from Google, but even these don’t make the mechanisms crystal clear. What we know for sure though is that social media contact points are vital, along with engaging written content and strong visual images.
Google looks for original content and authenticity which we can supply. Working with our SEO partners, we can help push you right up the Google rankings.
Should you be more involved with social media, or are you unsure which channel is best for you?
It may seem a sure-fire way to reach some people in our complex, busy world, but there’s no doubt that in the wrong hands it can also burn your time and money and have very little tangible effect.
We can help you make the most of these communications platforms, and work with our clients to ensure they are used wisely and effectively.
Our in-house digital coaches are on hand to guide you through subjects such as Twitter’s trends, LinkedIn’s logic, how to communicate beautifully on Instagram, whether TikTok will tick all your boxes and how to work with influencers across social media channels.