Temerity Media Ltd

We are an established web media company demonstrating a continued commitment to consistently delivering the best quality online products and services to our customers.

For over 20 years, we have been helping businesses to realise their online potential, reach a wider audience and deliver returns on their investment.

We constantly strive to provide customers with the latest technological web media and online solutions that will work for their business. We have a fantastic reputation for high-quality security solutions and support.

The company principle regularly consults with senior audiences on Cyber Security.

Temerity Media are a client driven web design company with years of industry experience and a strong creative flair. We use the latest technology alongside our expertise to deliver innovative, fully functioning websites that meet your brief and exceed your expectations.

We appreciate that no two businesses are the same and we treat all website design projects as unique with individual aims and objectives.

Building compliant and engaging websites is at the heart of what we do. We design our websites to be reliable, visible and secure.

From start ups and small trader websites, through to bespoke websites, online shops and supported self build websites, our in house web team will deliver a design that both meets your needs and your budget, whilst also setting your business apart from the competition.

All our websites are designed to work on all devices and across multiple browsers meeting latest industry guidelines.

You’ve set up a website and you want to attract more interest in the products or services you sell, or simply want to raise awareness of your brand.

The more visitors you attract, the more opportunities you have to extend your online reach.

Before you can even consider how to market your website through SEO services, a business first has to understand what drives the need for SEO and how a website can meet this need. SEO is all about user intent.

People use the internet for a variety of reasons - to buy online, to search for a particular business, service or product, or simply to find specific information - and it is the search query used that drives the need for SEO.

This query could be a keyword (or keywords), it may be a question or phrase, it could be a brand name, but the relevance of a website in relation to this query is what matters.

Temerity Media is a client driven web design company with years of industry experience and a strong creative flair. We use the latest technology alongside our expertise to deliver innovative, fully functioning websites that meet your brief and exceed your expectations.

We appreciate that no two businesses are the same and we treat all website design projects as unique with individual aims and objectives.

Building compliant and engaging websites is at the heart of what we do. We design our websites to be reliable, visible and secure.

From start ups and small trader websites, through to bespoke websites, online shops and supported self build websites, our in house web team will deliver a design that both meets your needs and your budget, whilst also setting your business apart from the competition. All our websites are designed to work on all devices and across multiple browsers meeting latest industry guidelines.

eCommerce sites

Selling online involves a lot of moving parts! It's not easy to attract the right interest and even harder to convert users to sales.

Our built eCommerce packages are tailored to your business and can take you from zero to selling with confidence.

Need to integrate third party services to your online shop? We have the expertise. Contact us for a quote or to see some of our work.

Supported Self-Build©

A lot goes into a modern website and to build a site that is effective, significant technical tasks are required.

That doesn't mean you should be excluded from controlling what content is added to your website and how often you update it. Our supported self build website service could be the answer, managing the content can be straightforward and it reduces costs.

Pay Monthly Websites

Starting a business often means paying out and managing a lot of information and all at the time when you want to be focussing on the business.

A Pay-Monthly website is a simple all-in-one solution. Not only do we build and host the site, you can include SEO, Marketing, Logo design, Office 365, Backup and Security. Prices from £39.00 per month.

HTML & WordPress©

We build websites not based on a single platform but based the need. If you want a fast, stylish site that doesn't require much change, HTML is probably the way to go.

Whereas users wanting to add news and updates are likely to benefit from a Content Management System (CMS). Either way, we will built it right.

A hosting platform like no other

Our powerful, bespoke hosting platform has been designed for you by experts with over twenty years’ industry experience.

We provide you with unbeatable load-balanced cloud hosting, meaning there’s no single point of failure and your website performance will never be affected by other users’ websites, visitors or activity.

All servers have SSD storage as standard, and we’ve optimised every part of your experience for maximum speed and security. Our hosting is designed to scale as your website grows, meaning the same great performance no matter how popular you get.

Digital Security

Without good security your business will be hit and suffer from attacks. Temerity Media has a fantastic reputation for providing the best.

That's why other designers and IT companies come to us when they get hit. We have recovered and secured hacked sites and we are proud of our security credentials. TML holds the Cyber Essentials Award.

Proactive Service Protection

Many web hosting companies and web developers do little or nothing to protect your services; instead, they expect the site owner to take appropriate action. Sites and services maintained by us are treated differently.

We have a proactive approach and take steps to protect sites, to monitor attacks and to report weaknesses. We have been advising organisations, companies and our own clients on security matters for many years.

Service Protection

We can provide you with a range of tools to help prevent a security breach which may compromise your business data.

Detect and prevent viruses, worms and other malware from infecting your systems through our anti virus and anti malware software. Protect and monitor the security of your website with anti hacking software and stay one step ahead.

Website Recovery

If your website has been hacked, recovery is key to protecting your brand and your reputation.

We will quickly identify the issues and take preventative action against further attack, restore clean data and take steps to improve and reinforce your security aimed at preventing repeat and new attacks.

Data Backup

Protect your data with our simple to use, cost effective and UK based cloud backup that is completely unlimited.

Back up more than one machine and access your files from any web enabled machine. Installs in seconds and runs seamlessly in the background.


Not sure if your systems have the right level of protection?

If you haven't monitored and updated your systems security, they may be vulnerable to attack. We can carry out a comprehensive security audit of your website and IT systems and will provide a report of our findings and recommendations.

The choice of IT companies

Protection is tough to get right. You have to really enjoy the challenge and you have to spend a lot of time studying the threat. We don't advertise who we have helped and we keep those details private.

We can work for you and your customers to aid recovery. Our own customers are secure in the knowledge that we manage the security for them, allowing them to get on with what they do.

Designing and building your website is just the start. We are here to support your business in an ever changing online environment so you can continue to grow.

When it comes to your website, we keep abreast of the latest technology and industry best practices so you don't have to leaving you to focus on growing your business.

Standard Pricing
  • Per Hour : £24.00
  • Day Rate : £72.00
Business Hours
  • Monday : 9-5
  • Tuesday : 9-5
  • Wednesday : 9-5
  • Thursay : 9-5
  • Friday : 9-5
  • Saturday : closed
  • Sunday : closed
  • size : 2 Members
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