Business Development Consultancy

The Business Development Consultancy (BDC) was established in January 2000 by Clifford Thomas to provide an honest and ‘no nonsense’ approach to helping companies win more business. 

Exceeding expectations in selling and marketing, the team combine our selling expertise with your product knowledge resulting in success for you and your business.

BDC ensures that the money you spend on sales is being INVESTED – not wasted. We help:

  • Construct accurate sales plans and forecasting tools
  • Make sure your routes to market are robust and scalable
  • Create Unique Selling Propositions (USPs) for your business 
  • Advise on what media / approaches would be best suited to winning you more business 
  • Devise, create and help implement the sales campaigns

BDC offers a blend of measured sales lead generating services that are focused on delivering opportunities to your business.

We utilise proven marketing tools that deliver real sales opportunities and drive down your ‘cost per lead’.

BDC has successfully helped many business owners close the ‘Sales Gap’ (‘SALES GAP’ phrase developed by BDC in 2005) and is now one of the leading business development consultancies in the UK.

Working closely across both commercial and education sectors, BDC is suitably equipped to assess your business and identify opportunities for increased sales and revenue growth.

Picking up the telephone and talking to people is still an essential and cost effective part of reaching existing clients and prospects. BDC specialise in telemarketing on your behalf and love doing it.

Our activity is benchmarked and we provide you with weekly and monthly analysis, allowing you to plan more effectively.

If you are motivated to grow, we can help you achieve your full potential.

Our proven Intelligent Selling Programme features 3 principle components:

  1. Sales and Marketing Planning
  2. Lead Generation – to get you in front of quality sales prospects
  3. Business Development Training – to ensure you continue to convert sales opportunities

We work closely with you as an integrated part of your sales and marketing team.

We operate in many different sectors.  We have particular skills and experience helping software firms, event companies, E-learning providers, HR consultancies, training providers, management consultants, HR & learning technology companies and further education colleges win more business.

5 core services

Sales and Marketing Plan 

Providing a measured route to market, defining USP’s and improving sales and marketing messages.

Helps you to develop a successful marketing strategy for your business and integrate it with sales actions.

Business Development Training

Working with your sales team to offer business development training through our Academy. Aligning your sales messages and streamlining your sales effort to be more effective. 

Lead Generation

Winning more business; looking after existing accounts; getting to see new prospects; market research…

Our Impact Lead Generation service will help get you leads.


Our telemarketing service provides proven results offering an increased number of prospects and appointments for your business. 

We charge nothing in advance for our services and do not expect you to enter into any long term contracts or agreements

Digital Promotion

A succinct digital marketing strategy and website update can give your business a fresh approach to sales and further development. 

Our digital experts can help with website design, SEO, digital promotion, social media and much more…

A detailed contact management database of progress is maintained to ensure no opportunity is missed. All this is available exclusively to you ’24/7′ via our unique online ‘IMPACT Call Monitor’.

You can monitor all call records and make amendments in real time.

Standard Pricing
  • Per Hour : £45.00
  • Day Rate : £220.00
Business Hours
  • Monday : 9-5
  • Tuesday : 9-5
  • Wednesday : 9-5
  • Thursay : 9-5
  • Friday : 9-5
  • Saturday : closed
  • Sunday : closed
  • size : 16 Members
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