Travel PR

Travel PRTravel PR Support For Your Travel Company

The travel industry is highly competitive, so travel PR is essential to standing out in the crowd.  

Whether you are an established travel company like Thomas Cook or Tui, travel PR is necessary.  All travel companies should be ATOL protected.

Just fill in the form to talk with PR agencies that know the travel and holiday industry.

The UK Travel Industry

The UK travel industry is split between a range of businesses:

  • Travel Agents
  • Travel Websites

There are numerous other businesses which are involved in the travel sector, that are not exactly travel companies:

  • Hotels
  • Cottages
  • Airlines
  • Insurance Firms
  • Cruise Lines
  • Car Hire

These days the travel industry consists of mainly the travel agents, in the sense of high street shops you can visit, and also travel and holiday websites.  Travel PR is used for all the above sectors and sub-sections.

What Is Public Relations?

At its core, public relations is about building and maintaining a positive reputation for your brand.  The competitive edge gained from a strong brand image can be invaluable to distinguish your business from your competitors.  

A PR company will work alongside other parts of your marketing to complement it.

Public relations attempts to create and maintain a positive impression of your business to anyone who comes into contact with it.

Price Comparison For The Travel Industry

Over the last few years we have seen peoples’ increased use of the internet result in more people booking their holidays on-line.  

Rather than by going into the travel agent and booking a holiday over the counter.  

There are significant exceptions that occur, for example when customers are looking for unusual destinations, perhaps with unique or complicated travel itineraries.  Or specialist holiday like Tutto Italie.

This is mainly fuelled by the belief that more savings can be achieved by finding deals on-line, rather than seeking advice from an expert, and also that more time can be spent looking on-line, searching for alternative offers.

As price comparison sites do not promote individual agencies, the need for travel PR is necessary.

Travel PR Support

Due to the competition in the travel industry, PR support has become something of a necessity. 

As such, many PR agencies now focus their consultancies on this sector, and work exclusively with holiday companies.  

Asking about industry experience is wise, and looking at current clients also is wise.

 PR for airlines does need to be carried out by someone that knows the travel sector.  

With the floods that hit the UK in 2020, PR for rail companies like Network Rail is very important.

Having that knowledge of how the industry works is essential to getting the right kind of results.  Not only is it about knowing the right media contacts, but also what media routes are the right ones to take.

When considering agencies, it makes good sense to select an agency that knows about marketing for travel agents. 

Someone that has worked with holiday booking agents in the past, and knows the travel media to talk to when getting a campaign set up.

What Services Do PR Agencies Offer?

A good PR agency will offer a wide range of services to protect and enhance your travel companies reputation, and many now offer this online as well as offline.

Services include:

  • Reputation and brand management
  • Media relations
  • Crisis control PR is used by many travel companies (if flights are cancelled)
  • Writing and distributing press releases, newsletters and white papers to sites like Newswire.
  • Copywriting
  • Finding and planning events and conferences
  • Market research
  • SEO, social media & blogger outreach

Specify what services you need and local agencies who offer those services will give you the advice you need.

Discuss doing a PR stunt to catapult your travel company into the media spotlight, done right PR stunts can be marketing gold dust for your business.

Another thing to consider is, do you have a PR brief available, or objectives you with to achieve?

The Need To Meet The PR Agency

One thing that is good for travel companies to do, is to meet up with their PR agency. 

Meeting with them should give a good impression as to exactly what their experience in the sector is, and how to approach the media campaign. 

Many PR agencies do shy away from meeting with clients too often, as it is expensive.  It takes up time; however, it is in your interests to meet regularly.  So as to receive regular updates as to how things are progressing, and what results are being generated.  

Travel PR needs quick results.

The Need For Quick Results

Many businesses demand rapid significant results through effective PR.  However, as with all marketing, it does take time. 

The holiday industry is highly competitive and dominated by large companies with large marketing budgets.

Travel PR is a good marketing tool for all travel companies of all shapes and sizes.  To generate media exposure and brand awareness.  

We recommend obtaining free advice from several agencies, and comparing quotes.  PR prices do vary significantly as all agencies set their own fees.

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