Telemarketing For Builders

Telemarketing For BuildersTelemarketing For Builders

Telemarketing for builders is proving very popular with both independent builders and national building companies.

The main reason is that builders can specifically target new prospects based on location and size of the tender.  However most builders are not sales people and therefore outsourcing this to an experienced telemarketing company is necessary.

All telemarketing companies in the UK are different, each with different levels of experience and knowledge of industry sectors.

Generating sales leads can be challenging at the best of time, but generating the right sort of leads is difficult.  All builders are different and each will focus on different sorts of building works (extensions, renovations, new builds etc.) and different values of works.

You need to talk to lead generation companies specialising in telemarketing for builders.

The building industry is very competitive, and is becoming more so as many builders get a tighter hold on marketing.  The FMB does offer some marketing support via networking.

Telemarketing for builders is an effective way to generate leads quickly from following up construction tenders.  Whether you are a leading firm like Bovis Homes, or a local bricky, telemarketing for builders is important.

Just fill in the form opposite to get free advice and quotes from expert telemarketing companies that have experience in doing marketing for builders.

Telemarketing For More Business

Since the recession, the building company has been booming, with the government pushing more affordable housing.  Also with the growth in the private sector, more construction contracts have bee going through the UK building sector.

However as the construction industry has grown, so to have many companies surrounding and supporting it.  

Building companies need to now chase work and telemarketing for builders is the best resource to quickly generate new tenders to quote on.

The Importance Of Good Marketing Data

The need for good quality marketing data cannot be overstated.

Although data is freely available online, it takes time to go through it and assess if the contact is relevant or not.

Since all builders are different, each will be targeting a different type of client.  It could be an architect, a surveyor, a main contractor.  Equally talking to a different prospect in the company may be needed.

To go at this from a cold start will use up precious time.  Since time is money, having a database that is up to date is important.

Marketing data can be purchased from data brokers, as long as you know exactly what it is that you are looking for, records will cost less than £1,00 each.

Many telemarketing companies can purchase data on your behalf, or you can supply it to them to be called.

Hunting Down New Business

Work comes and goes, and keeping the sales pipeline filled is important for all building companies of all sizes.

Telemarketing for building companies is important for any size builder, be it Bovis Homes or Bob The Builder.

Since all builders are looking for different projects and looking to fill quieter periods, hunting down new business is necessary.

Lead Generation

By being more proactive in your sales and marketing to pick up local projects, you can get new work coming through within the project spend you are aiming for. 

Most building firms historically have never done any marketing and only picked up work on recommendation.  However as the markets have changed, you need to adapt in order to survive.

The internet has made the world smaller, but also made it more difficult to find exactly what you are looking for.

Lead generation techniques are used by many of the top building firms mainly because when they loose tenders, this could well cost millions in lost revenue.

Telemarketing is a perfect form of marketing for any size building firms, as you can target specific clients based on the type of building work and size projects you are looking for.

Generating Sales Leads

There are (fortunately) good sources of sales leads for you to work with, whereby tender requests are put into the planning permission process.  These can be purchased and followed up in the normal sales process:

  • Cold Call
  • Introduction
  • Questioning
  • Phone Demonstration
  • Close

The options are you either bringing on a sales person to follow up the leads or to subcontract the work out to an expert firm to handle.  There are a range of telemarketing agencies that do specialise in working in the building industry which can quickly get a telemarketing campaign running and producing results.

Lead Times

One thing that many construction companies demand is turn around.  Since building work is often needed urgently, you cannot wait for weeks or months for projects to trickle through the sales pipeline.

Often construction equipment is rented and if there are delays on site for whatever reason, costs will grow.

Lead generation by its nature does take time, it takes time to research the sales leads, time to contact the client (as people are often busy or on holiday) and then generate the enquiry.  This is something that many do struggle with, as time is normally against them.

We have put together 8 marketing strategies for house builders which may be helpful.

Compare Telemarketing Prices Today

There are over 400 telemarketing companies in the UK, and all set their own fees (as private companies do).  All telemarketing companies look to make profit, to cover staff costs, rent, cars, houses etc.

Therefore telemarketing prices do vary, and there is the need to get quotes, specifically from the agencies that offer telemarketing for builders.  Some telemarketing companies charge £150 per day, some up to £600.  The most expensive telemarketing company does not make them the best, you do not get what you pay for with marketing.

Our roll is to help you get the best telemarketing agency for your building firm (that can constantly generate you results), for the lowest daily price.  It is not about finding the cheapest telemarketing company, but the ‘right’ one for your building company.

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