Staff Incentive Ideas

Staff Incentive IdeasConsider Some Staff Incentive Ideas And Treat Your Staff

Every sales trainer and team manager will say that the staff are the company.  A happy team is a productive team.  A company without staff is not a company but a shell.  

Staff are the backbone of any business, even an e-commerce business relies on it’s IT staff to ensure the website functions as it should.

Why do your staff do what they do?

It’s not an easy question to answer, sometimes not even for the staff in question. Yet understanding what motivates your employees is the first step to implementing effective employee incentive programs in your organization.

At the most basic level, people tend to divide these factors into two different categories:

  • Positive Reinforcement (incentives)
  • Negative Reinforcement (disincentives)

The traditional wisdom is that giving your employees the right balance of incentives and disincentives is the key to getting the most from your employees. Stephen R. Covey called this the “carrot and stick” view of human motivation.

An effective employee incentive program sends employees a clear message that your organization understands what truly motivates them to do their best work and is willing to provide it.

Staff incentive ideas need to be considered to keep the team motivated.

The managers would be quite right in saying this, and corporate events play a big part in motivating and incentivising.

Depending on the season there are lots of options available whether you are looking for something fun, something relaxed or something food related.

Events & hospitality agencies specialist is organising staff incentives through a variety of ways.

Ideas For A Summer Event

Motivating staff during the summer can open lots of options and there are lots of alternatives. Something at a budget, a BBQ or afternoon at the races.

Something a little more exciting, a trip to a theme park.  Something event orientated, an activity day or sports related (archery, shooting, golf).

Goape is popular. Anything outdoors is good.  

As the fresh air brings a sense of freedom to people and they forget the work stresses and see other members of staff in a different light. None of these activities are particularly expensive or require a great deal of planning, but can make a big difference to how a team functions.  

Events are a good idea for staff incentive ideas.

Ideas For A Winter Event

Motivating staff during the winter does have it’s restrictions, however there are still lots of options available. Something at a budget, go out for a meal together.  Even if it to Weatherspoons.

Another idea is indoor go-karting.

How about a theatre trip.  Being out of the office is the main thing that will cause the effect in the team. 

Teams always see each other inside the office, changing the location will break the mold and mindset of how people thing towards each other.

Staff incentive ideas do not have to be elaborate, just creative.

Incentive Ideas For Sales People

Sales people by their nature are adrenalin driven creatures that thrive on danger, risk and new opportunities. 

Telemarketing staff are motivated by money, cold hard cash.

Understanding this will help you in choosing the right incentive for them.

With incentives, it is best to use them as a carrot.  What this means is that if the sales person achieves X then they will get the incentive. 

Make it achievable but something that has to be hard to get.  Making an incentive too easy detracts from the value of the incentive and it is not appreciated as much. 

We have all heard the phrase ‘cat string’.  

People achieve things more if they have really worked at them and earned them. Some ideas of adrenalin based incentives (for a team) would be:

  • Sailing
  • Parachute Dive
  • Tank Driving
  • Paintballing
  • Motor Racing

Some staff incentive ideas of adrenalin for individual sales people would be:

  • Money

It is very difficult to send 1 sales person out on an activity by themselves so motivating with money is the best solution.  Another option is (if the sales person has a partner) to organise a meal for two, or a weekend break for two.

A Simple Idea for Motivating Staff

A great way to motivate staff, if you are working to a budget, is to buy in breakfast or pizza (for lunch). 

This will raise spirits and work wonders for team moral. 

Food brings out a personal touch which lets staff know you care. Another option (if is around summer time) is to do a BBQ.  Getting some disposable BBQ units, some meat, a few drinks and kicking back for the afternoon will help to relax staff and help in building inter relations.

Throw in some beer can also be a good staff incentive idea.

You can take it a little further by organising some garden games or put staff into teams of a game of rounder’s. 

Choosing a marketing company to give you support in staff motivation is difficult, since the internet is a big place with thousands of websites offering staff incentive ideas.

Something different and does not cost a lot. Talking to an corporate events company can help to bring fresh ideas and options about how to help incetivise and motivate your staff.

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