SEO For Construction Companies

SEO For Construction CompaniesCompare Quotes From 5 SEO Companies With Construction Experience

SEO for construction companies takes experience, both technically and in the sector.

These days, being found online is essential to any UK business, whether they are an online company, or offline.

There are only 10 spaces on page 1 of Google, so competition is high. Your competitors will be appearing online, so you must also.

Bearing in mind that most people do their searching for anything online, to not appear will have a massive impact on your business.

Start With A Marketing Strategy

Creating a construction marketing strategy has to be the first step, as website optimisation needs to be tied into the wider picture.

Marketing works best when it is all singing together, public relations, lead generation, digital marketing (which includes SEO) and of course social media marketing.

Things To Consider With SEO For Construction Firms

Onsite Optimisation

This refers to the actual page content. Onsite optimisation is an important part of any search optimisation strategy, but is is all about making your pages easy for search engines to read and index. Keywords play an important part of this, but there are a number of other factors.

The quality of your content is important, as are the pictures that you use. The speed of your website is also important, which leads us on to technical optimisation below.


Technical optimisation is the actual functioning of your website ‘under the bonnet’. This is to do with your website coding, the speed of your website, your hosting, any plugins you are using, any CSS you have etc.

Technical SEO is a very important part of web optimisation for any business, but only one of the three areas.

This involves your website being mobile friendly or responsive.  This kicked in with the smart phone revolution, Google switched to mobile-first index over desktop.

Website load speed is something that is also very important.  Google ranks you based on how quickly your website loads on a scale of 1 to 100.  Website hosting also plays a part in the load speed.

Offsite Optimisation

How many other websites link to yours? This is called ‘backlinks’, and gives search engines an idea of how popular you are. Are you referred to on social media platforms like Twitter?

How often does your name come up in the media? Are you listed on any trusted websites or directories? Are you referred to in industry related websites like RIBA?

SEO for construction companies does take time, like optimisation for any business. Typically the more competitive your sector is, the harder/longer optimisation is and takes.

Search engine optimisation is all about getting you visitors to your website and is an essential part of marketing for construction companies.

However optimisation cannot really be relied upon as a stand alone service, it needs to be linked to a wider marketing strategy such as a PPC campaign, press coverage etc.  Content marketing is now a big part of SEO, getting your website content better known in the construction press.

At Marketing Quotes we do advise talking with optimisation companies that have experience in doing SEO for construction companies. They will know all about the keywords you would want to target. They will know all about the keywords you would want to target.

They should know your industry ‘jargon’ and be able to help your onsite SEO as well as offsite. Not all optimisation companies are the same, they make be happy to help and bill you, but will not all deliver the same results.

You want an optimisation company that will deliver you results, and the best chances of finding that is one that knows the construction sector.

Social Media

A big part of search optimisation these days is social media marketing.

Social media platforms in 2020 (and beyond) are now more than ever looked at for your footprint. If you are not mentioned on social media, search engines think that us odd and raise a question mark. Many optimisation companies these days will combine an web optimisation company to include Facebook advertising or marketing on Twitter.  

Linkedin can also be a great way to develop your brand.

Local SEO

Do you target local customers or national? Most companies in the construction sector work in a local geographical area (within the surrounding county or counties).  Local SEO is a discipline in it’s own right, different to national or international optimisation and does take a different skillset.

Compare Quotes On SEO For Construction Websites

All agencies are privately owned, they set their own rates and prices do vary considerably.

You could pay £100 a month or £5,000 a month depending on the agency you choose to work with. search companies in London tend to be more expensive, but if you use a Google Partner Agency, you could pay more.

Being a Google Partner Agency does not mean they will get you quicker results, just that one of their staff have taken an exam, and they have a logo on their website. ROI is not linked to this.

We do advise you getting multiple quotes to compare. SEO for construction companies can be expensive if you do not shop around and get quotes.

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