Promotional Gifts For Construction Companies

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With the recession still affecting the UK, promotional gifts for construction companies are considered a luxury that is unnecessary.  

Many businesses do struggle at times with what kind of gifts to source.  

Then there is the cost to consider.  

However branded gifts are an important area of marketing that should not be overlooked.

As there are thousands of different kinds of gifts, finding the right kind of gift can something be frustrating. 

Choosing the wrong kind of gift may mean that it is either thrown away, or just has no effective reaction. 

The ideal would be that once it is received, the client responds with an order or query.

Creative Ideas

Choosing the most appropriate gift would really need to be based around two things:

  • Something That Relates To The Construction Company
  • Something That Relates To The Target Client

By choosing a relevant gift, the client will feel more important.  

That care and concern has been made in selecting something appropriate. Promotional gifts for construction companies needs to be thought out as part of the marketing strategy.  

This is something the Construction Marketing Group could help with, in giving advice.

If the client is a house builder, then maybe sending a brick in the post to the client with a note saying ‘make us part of your foundations’?  

This will bring a smile as it is unique and innovative.  It may be pricy to send a brick in the post, but it will cause a reaction.  

All to often pens are sent in the post, but just put in to a draw with all the rest.  No thought is given to the sender other than ‘that is nice, a new pen’.  

Promotional gifts for construction companies needs to be creative. If the construction firm is a ground worker, perhaps sending a yellow stress ball in the shape of a hard hat?  

With the clients name and website embossed on it.  Unique and relevant this should cause them to remember you when you call to follow up.

Popular Promotional Gifts

Here are a few popular branded gifts for construction companies in the UK:

  • Keyrings
  • Stressballs
  • Safety Vests
  • Beanies/Caps
  • Hoodies
  • Cups
  • Pens
  • Thermal Flasks
  • Bags

These are the run of the mill products that construction companies tend to go for, but the thing with promotional gifts is being innovative, standing out in the crowd.

Practical business gifts are always a good choice, such as mugs or thermos flasks as they are used daily by builders or construction workers when on site.  Your logo will be seen both by them and their colleagues giving you daily brand exposure of possibly hundreds of consumers.

Budget Promotional Gifts

Promotional gifts come in all shapes and sizes, but budget promotional gifts for construction businesses can be extremely useful.  They are used daily by construction workers and last a very long time.

The bullet points above show a number of budget promotional gifts that many construction companies use on a daily basis.

Typically each item ranges from around £1.00 each up to around £20.00 for a branded hoodie. 

High End Promotional Gifts

Although budget branded gifts are popular, using more high end branded gifts does have its place.  Here are a few options that you can consider:

  • Branded Car – Many companies use branded cars.  Consider onsite construction vehicles such as JCB
  • Tech Products – Many construction firms can use branded tech items such as iPhones

We do see lots of high end promotional products around us every day.  The cars on the roads and the TV’s in our living rooms.

Although we do not recognise them as branded items, they are just that.

Construction companies can make use of higher end branded gifts, just being careful about how to use them.

Sending Clients Nice Things

Promotional gifts for construction companies needs something else.  One important thing to do with sending promotional gifts is to follow up afterwards. 

Using them as an excuse to call means that it will remind the prospect that it was you that sent it.  

But if not, then it can be used as a pivot to starting the sales process. If no follow up call is made then the response rate will be much lower and down to just hoping for a response.

Compare Corporate Gift Agencies

There are hundreds of promotional gift companies around the UK.  

It is advised to compare quotes in order to find the right one for the best price.  Corporate gift costs vary from agency to agency as all set their own prices.

All import their products from China and then put their own mark ups on, so it is best to compare prices to get the cheapest quotes.  

Promotional gifts for construction companies should not have to be expensive.  Just fill in the form to find out.

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