PR During Recession

PR During RecessionPublic Relations During Times Of Recession

PR during the recession can be an effective and low cost form of marketing for any UK business.  

The recession is hurting everyone, why not get quotes and advice from PR companies?  Since the recession started back in 2007 UK businesses have been very careful with their spending.  

Looking at cost cutting options, and cutting back on luxuries such as corporate days out, bonuses for top sales people and travel expenses.  One of the main areas businesses have been cutting back on (even now in 2014) is their marketing; as it is seen as a luxury for the good times. 

The reason is because ROI is difficult to track; if a business invests £1000 into its marketing it is not possible to see £4000 the next month.  

Marketing has always been likened to the scattering of seed; and one day (all being well), that seed will take root and germinate producing a bountiful harvest.  What marketing during these times of recession is right for your business?

Is PR During Recession Cost Effective?

Public relations does not need to be very expensive; in fact it can be a very cost effective form of marketing and ideal for small companies, start-ups and for companies that are looking for something to work in the background.  

Compared with other forms of marketing, such as web advertising, telemarketing or hosting events, it comes at a fraction of the price, but still packing a punch when it comes to the results that it can generate.

Last Dollar On Public Relations

A great advert for the effectiveness is Bill Gates, who is known for saying that if it came to his last few dollars he would spend it on PR.  Many companies have benefited from the fact that it is a very cost effective form of marketing that can create powerful results.  Coupling this with the internet, on-line PR can add yet another string to your bow and provide lasting web exposure.

Consider A PR Stunt

PR stunts are perfect during a recession as they are free, pretty much.  Organising your PR stunt to coincide with an event where you know the media are going to be present is the main thing.  Done right PR stunts can be like marketing gold dust for your brand.

Talking to an experienced PR company is important in order to get the stunt right.  Saying that, there is no such thing as bad PR.

Perfect During The Tough Times

PR during recession is a perfect marketing tool for businesses during the recession, as it is so cost effective and high impact.  People love good news, especially during the tough times that many sectors are facing; hearing good news about your business would be welcome and create the media buzz that is needed.  Marketing during difficult economic times is always a balancing act, speciation and trusting that now is the best time.

Compare PR Quotes

Why not get a free quote and advice, without obligation,  from a few agencies that know your industry?  Certainly there is no harm in looking at options, and also at what PR companies have achieved for other businesses like yours?  

PR prices do vary considerably from agency to agency.  As a price comparison website, we want to help you get support during recession.  PR during recession can be very effective, let us help you find the best agency for the lowest price.

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