PR Agencies In Kent

PR Agencies In KentCompare Quotes From 5 PR Companies In Kent

There are around 400 PR agencies in Kent, many of which are small PR firms and freelancers working from home  

Kent has around 200 marketing companies that offer public relations as part a broader range of marketing services to larger companies, such as website design, branding and advertising.  

Many website designers in Kent can support a PR campaign via the internet and social media.

There are also specialist PR companies in Kent that have a specific industry focus.

Just fill in the form to get free quotes and advice from5 PR agencies in Kent that know your industry.

What Is Public Relations?

At its core, public relations is about building and maintaining a positive reputation for your brand.  The competitive edge gained from a strong brand image can be invaluable to distinguish your business from your competitors.  

A PR company will work alongside other parts of your marketing to complement it.

Public relations attempts to create and maintain a positive impression of your business to anyone who comes into contact with it.

Choosing A Local Public Relations Agency In Kent

Working with a local firm is always to be preferred over one that is in London or further afield.

This kind of marketing does require a certain level of thought, planning strategy and discussion which cannot really be done effectively via e-mail. 

Many agencies prefer to work via e-mail rather than visiting clients, as they can fit more clients in, and thus enjoy higher profits. However, it is good to meet up for efficiency and to avoid misunderstandings.

Another good reason for meeting is to ensure that the agency is what they claim to be on their website.  With websites these days companies can embellish or project themselves as being more influential than they are or have experience broader than is the case.

Meeting an agency also gives you a chance to meet the team, meet the account manager and build a personal relationship which should forge a strong working relationship for many years to come.

Choose A PR Company In Kent With Experience

All PR agencies in Kent carry different industry experience, depending on the kind of clients they have historically worked with.  Some are members of the CIPR or other industry bodies.

Kent is mainly a rural, known as the garden of England.  Many businesses will have agricultural or cottage industry experience as opposed to manufacturing, finance or city business experience.

There are over 5,000 public relations agencies in England, so it is only logical to use one that has worked in your market, knows your products, services and competitors. 

They should be able to position you in the right media publications without too much difficulty, and have the contacts to get you quick coverage and early results.

Services A PR Company In Kent Offer

A good PR agency will offer a wide range of services to protect and enhance your reputation, and many now offer this online as well as offline.

Services include:

  • Reputation and brand management
  • Media relations
  • Crisis control PR is used by companies and celebrities
  • Writing and distributing media releases, newsletters and white papers to sites like Newswire.
  • Copywriting
  • Finding and planning events and conferences
  • Market research
  • SEO, social media & blogger outreach

Specify what services you need and local agencies who offer those services will give you the advice you need.

Discuss doing a PR stunt to catapult you into the media spotlight, done right PR stunts can be marketing gold dust for your business.

Another thing to consider is, do you have a PR brief available, or objectives you with to achieve?

Compare Public Relations Quotes In Kent

Shopping around for prices has become part of our society, with price comparison sites for most walks of life.

As the recession is still affecting many businesses in the UK, comparing quotes and prices is necessary in order to get the best deal.

The cheapest does not mean the best.  Choosing an agency on their experience and ability to deliver results is important, but comparing similar companies to get a good price deal is also very important.

All PR companies in Kent are different; all offering different PR prices.  

The larger the agency the more they are likely to charge, as a result of higher overheads, higher staff costs and profit margins. 

If you are a start-up company, then finding a smaller firm would seem sensible, whereas if you are an international then a larger agency may be best.

A Few Words About Kent

It is in the south-east of England with a population of around 1.7 million according to government statistics.

Kent is a very old county with traces of human settlements going back thousands of years.  

Many megaliths and barrows can be found around the county and farmers are still discovering ancient finds in their fields, such as the Ringlemere Gold Cup – which dates from around 150 BC.

The name is said to come a name from the ancient Celtish language (Brythonic) ‘Cantus’ which means border. 

The Roman ruler Julius Caeser described Kent as ‘Cantium’  meaning home of the ‘Cantiaci’ a Belgic people living in the area before the Romans conquered.

At the time of the Norman invasion in 1066, the Kentish people adopted the motto ‘Invicta’ which means ”undefeated’ – due to their resistance to Norman rule.

Kent is referred to as the ‘garden of England’ due to the large number of hop gardens and orchards, resulting in the production of beer and cider.  

Other industries include tourism, aircraft manufacture and paper making.

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