PR Agencies In Dover

PR Agencies In DoverCompare Quotes From 5 PR Agencies In Dover

Due to its location Dover has a strong industry in the shipping and ferry industry.  However, there are around 10 public relations agencies in Dover distributed around its borders.  As Dover is not a huge town, agencies are spread over the area from Folkestone in the south, stretching up north towards Canterbury.

 In addition there are website designers in Dover that can help you with online and social media marketing.  There are also a few PR companies in Dover that focus on specific industry sectors.  Many media agencies also offer copywriting services.

Just fill in the form to get free quotes and advice from PR agencies in Dover that know your industry sector.

Working With A Local PR Agency In Dover

It makes sense to talk to an agency that is local.  There are hundreds of PR agencies spread throughout the south-east, however travel can be an issue. As the roads in the area tend to be very busy, owing to the freight and transport routes.

Industry experience is also something that is important.  Based on the restricted number of public relations companies in Dover, then the need to travel wider may be the only solution.  Market experience is something that is crucial when it comes to PR.  So if there are no firms that have already worked in your industry, then perhaps looking north towards Canterbury, or west towards Eastbourne is wise.

PR works hand in hand with SEO and getting more visitors to your website.  Particularly if your company has had a crisis during the COVID period PR can help.

Consider Using PR Stunts To Get Media Attention

PR stunts are a great way to get media attention, both nationally and internationally.

The king of PR stunts has successfully used PR stunts to generate marketing gold dust for his brand over the decades.  Sir Richard Branson has created a global brand through using marketing and PR at many launch events and international events.

Digital Content Creation

It has been said that ‘content is king’ and many PR agencies in Dover can help you to create new website content that will have an impact.

The key benefit is well written website content.

Search engines these days are smart, they can tell what good website content is, and what ‘slap dash’ content is.

  • Poorly written articles
  • Spelling mistakes
  • Badly constructed content
  • Content that is not relevant to your website ‘theme’

As we all know, the internet is the new high street.  Your website will most likely be the shop window that will attract your customers, and that shop window needs to look attractive and to be able to convert website visitors to enquiries.

By talking to a few PR agencies in Dover, you can help build your website content to a higher quality.

Compare Prices From PR Companies In Dover

As PR agencies in Kent will differ in many respects, all will provide different quotes for the campaigns they run.  This being the case it is wise to compare prices, even if it does mean working with a public relations firm some distance away. Generally speaking, the larger the PR firm, the higher their PR prices will be. 

This is logical based on the fact that they will have more staff and more expensive offices, with probably higher profit margins, over a smaller agency or freelancer. Larger  businesses, trading overseas, will  require a larger PR agency with a more global reach.  As opposed to a freelancer, whereas smaller companies will probably need a smaller agency that is more flexible.

Dover In A Few Words

Dover is famous for its white cliffs, and for many centuries the symbol of Britain’s solid independence from the world separated by the English Channel.  It originally got its name from the river Doer, on which it is situated.

The government had an opportunity to sell the port to the French in Calais, but relented in the face of local opposition.

The port still provides a good deal of employment, but ferry services have declined with the opening of the Channel Tunnel.

It is a town of opportunity.  There is a population of roughly 30,000 in Dover according to council statistics.

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