PR Agencies In Cambridge

PR Agencies In CambridgeCompare Quotes From 5 PR Companies In Cambridge

There are around 20 PR agencies in Cambridge, mainly smaller PR firms and freelance journalists.  

It is known as the city of innovation, with many businesses housing their ‘think tanks’ in and around town. 

Largely due to Cambridge University the city has created some fine entrepreneurs and successful businesses. 

Many agencies offer support not only to companies in the city but also around the UK.

There are website designers in Cambridge that can support your PR campaign via social media and online.  

There are in addition several PR companies in Cambridge that offer focused PR support on several industry sectors.  There are also several smaller PR companies in Newmarket should you be located closer to there.

Just fill in the form to get free quotes and advice from PR companies in Cambridge that have experience in your industry sector.

What Is Public Relations?

At its core, public relations is about building and maintaining a positive reputation for your brand.  The competitive edge gained from a strong brand image can be invaluable to distinguish your business from your competitors.  

A PR company will work alongside other parts of your marketing to complement it.

Public relations attempts to create and maintain a positive impression of your business to anyone who comes into contact with it.

Working With A Local PR Agency In Cambridge

There is a diverse range of PR companies in Cambridge, from construction and architectural, to aerospace and defence.  Each needs a specialist agency to handle their public relations.

There are over 20 PR agencies in Cambridge that specialise in a wide range of industry sectors. For businesses around the area, it is good to select a firm that is based in the city also.  

This makes things easier as a meeting is not a day out.  

Direct personal contact with a firm is always advised, as communication is very important, particularly in the early planning stages.  Some things can be communicated via e-mail or ‘phone, but much more can be learned from meeting the agency face to face.

In this age of the internet, many agencies prefer to deal with clients by means of e-mail, as they can manage many more customers without the need for meetings.  This is great for them, but for customers it means they are one of many, perhaps not having the level of concentrated focus they would expect.

For this reason, agreeing to meet regularly is a good idea in order to review the progress of the campaign. Also to discuss any improvements that need to be made. 

This may not make you the most popular client, as you are taking up more resources by having meetings.  But you are likely to enjoy more value for money, as the agency will be more dedicated to producing results, knowing that you are coming to review.

Services PR Companies In Cambridge Offer

A good PR agency will offer a wide range of services to protect and enhance your reputation, and many now offer this online as well as offline.

Services include:

  • Reputation and brand management
  • Media relations
  • Crisis control PR is used by companies and celebrities
  • Writing and distributing media releases, newsletters and white papers to sites like Newswire.
  • Copywriting
  • Finding and planning events and conferences
  • Market research
  • SEO, social media & blogger outreach

Specify what services you need and local agencies who offer those services will give you the advice you need.

Discuss doing a PR stunt to catapult you into the media spotlight, done right PR stunts can be marketing gold dust for your business.

Another thing to consider is, do you have a PR brief available, or objectives you with to achieve?

Choosing A Local PR Agency In Cambridge

Having made the decision to use a local agency, there is the need to compare the costs matched to the scope of your campaign. 

All PR companies in Cambridge are different, they have different overheads, costs and fee structures. For this reason the larger PR agencies will charge higher rates.  

However, they do have more resources available to put into campaigns for clients.  There is a need therefore to choose the right size of firm in order for the partnership to be a good fit.

For quotations from local firms detailing PR prices and advice, just fill in the form.

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