Objection Handling

Objection HandlingObjection Handling – A Key Sales Skill

One of the most important skills a sales training company can teach is effective objection handling.

Objection handling is a natural part of selling, but it can be a significant roadblock when you’re trying to move prospects through the pipeline.

You might even be tempted to accept the objections and send a breakup email straightaway. But you need to learn how to both discover and resolve these concerns if you’re going to be successful.

Many sales people shy away from objections as they are scared of them.

However this is a little like sweeping the dust in a room under the furniture. 

The dust is still there and it will continue to build unless it is dealt with.  

Objection handling is one of the core selling skills and is essential in the selling process.

Have you ever heard of the 70/30 rule? 

It is the number one rule of communication when it comes to making sales calls. The rule states that a prospect lead should do 70% of the talking and the sales person only 30%.

Of course, getting a prospective buyer to open up and do all that talking is a challenge, but there’s one major benefit of doing this: 

The more the prospect feels like they’re being heard and understood, the more likely they are to buy. So, by simply listening to their objections, you’re taking the first step in turning a prospect into a lead. 

This is why step one in the objection handling process is to stop talking and listen to your prospects’ objections.

The more you listen, the more you’ll learn, and the knowledge you’ll gain will help you out massively when it’s your turn to respond.

Objections need to be handled, tacked and overcome; ignoring objections will normally cost you the sale.

The key is knowing your product and knowing the common objections that may arise. 

This is something that should be covered in your company training; so that you are properly equipped to handle issues that will arise during the sales process.

Sales training companies will reinforce the fact that objection handling is a natural part of the sales process.  They teach on how to confront and deal with objections in a calm and professional manor.

Key Things To Consider

The key to effective objection handling is using a question based framework that puts the prospect at ease.

When done tactfully, the prospect will come to their own conclusion that moving forward is the best decision to make. Let’s walk you through all the steps to managing common objections, including diving deeper with a simple questioning framework, and following objections with gratitude and empathy.

  • Realise that objections will come up and need to be handled
  • Try to bring up the objections early in the sales process so they are dealt with early
  • Do not show fear if an objection comes up – fear is infections and could kill the sale
  • Know your market inside and out – so you can tackle any objection
  • Role play

Many sales training companies reinforce what we already know deep down. 

Most of the time we are so involved in the process, we can miss the foundations and fundamental things that can make the difference.

On a sales training course, candidates will do role play, however it is important to continue to practice this when you are back in the office. Managers need to encourage this, practice and re-practice.  

Maybe management training courses is something that need to be considered? We can all pick up bad habits and these may be what is holding you back in the sales process. 

By doing group role play you can help each other iron out issues that may make the difference between a yes or a no. 

If you do not have a team, then using a friend or a family member to run through role play exercises will be fine.

Role play is practicing and sales does need to be practiced.  The more you practice, the more you will learn and the better you will become.

Compare Multiple Sales Training Prices

How much does sales training cost and why do prices vary?

Shopping and and comparing sales training prices is essential these days.  

Sales training companies are all independent, they set their own fees, therefore all will vary significantly.  Choosing a marketing company to handle your sales training is not easy, as there are so many in the UK to choose from.

As any price comparison website, we want to ensure you get the best sales trainer, for the lowest price.  

Rather than spending time on Google looking for agencies to help with objection handling, let us help.  

Compare sales training prices by filling in the form and getting 5 free quotes from local training companies offering courses on objection handling techniques.

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