Modern Forms Of Advertising

Modern Forms Of AdvertisingThere Are Many Modern Forms Of Advertising

Modern forms of advertising are always changing as trends and technology change and adapt.

Advertising and marketing has been going on a long time, thousands of years.  Advertising is considered as new but it is one of the very first forms of marketing from when the first Roman entrepreneur started selling spaghetti carbonara in England.

These days advertising has moved on and is all around us, from billboards, TV, the internet and radio.

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How Did Things Change In 2001

The world is changing (and this is not a clip from Lord Of The Rings) in many ways across all areas of the social and business world.  

The modern forms of advertising we know now will be outdated in 10 years time. In recent years we have seen the boom in social media and the way that young people communicate.

Things have changed during this time as marketing has adapted to the changing climate that we find ourselves in.

How Do Things Look In 2024

The world has changed in a very short period of time.  TV advertising is still as strong as it was back in the 1980’s.  Billboards are still to be found in Piccadilly Circus only now they are digital billboards.

Internet advertising is now referred to as ‘digital marketing’ and has evolved across different online platforms.

Video advertising has grown more popular with the development of smartphone technology.

iPhones And Texting

Alexander Graham Bell would be quite annoyed to find out that after his invention of the telephone in 1876 people are now using morse code (texting) to communicate with each other.

Since mobile phones first started to appear in the early 1990’s, we have seen a boom in the texting industry.  

Which then moved over to FB updates and ‘tweets’ rather than the old fashioned phone call.    Now we are onto snapchat and Instagram as Facebook and Twitter start to take a back seat.

Social Media

Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and many more social networking sites are the new highways of information to be passed. 

Within seconds, details can be sent around the world quicker than the news can report it.  Causing the news and media companies to think of how to tap into the new technologies.

Social media is a very modern yet powerful form of marketing that any business in the world can use.  The main benefit being that posting on social media websites is free of charge.  You can it as often as you want and as many times a day as you please.

This is why search engines love social media websites as the content is never ending with tens of thousands of posts and tweets every day.

The rising star is Tik Tok, a video sharing website that allows anyone to upload a video, from doing a silly dance to doing a review of a restaurant.

Have you considered using a social media influencer, to get you known to their thousands of followers?  Many people now have a full time career as a social media influencer.

TV Adverts

In the 1980’s & 1990’s, sex was used in order to sell products.  This has changed in many ways as consumers have moved on and adapted. 

Going back earlier to programs such as the Carry On films, they came out of post war Britain.  How the nation was adapting to freedom both culturally and sexually. 

In the 21st centaury TV advertising is done with much more subtlety than 20 years ago.  As tastes and trends have changed there has been the need to adapt.  

TV advertising follows the modern forms of advertising as it adapts and evolves.

Magazine Promotion

Beauty has always been a big selling factor in magazines.  Using models to showcase clothes, jewellery, shoes etc. has always been the norm, and this will never really change.  Models will always be at the forefront of modern forms of promotion.

Magazines are not just print, all magazines have a website which is just as if not more popular than print advertising.

It is easier to go onto the Daily Mail website via our smart phones than it is to go down to the supermarket to buy a copy.  Bear in mind that by the time you get back from the supermarket, the news is out of date.

Advertising in magazines is very popular, but advertising on magazine websites is even more popular as it brings old and new together.

Modern Techniques

Marketing has been around for centuries.  

But only really in the last 50 years has marketing really taken such a prominent place in our society.  To the point that many of us are desensised to it.  

Which is good for the advertising companies as they can use subtle forms of advertising to communicate their clients message.

Advertising agencies do use a variety of modern forms of advertising in order to communicate their messages to us.  But the main one that remained over the years is sex.  

Not quite in the obvious ways it has been used in past decades, it has adapted.  

Virgin used this with marketing Virgin Atlantic, and very successfully too.

Do You Need Help With Your Marketing?

Modern forms of promotion are changing as we have discovered.   If you need help with your advertising, just fill in the form and get in touch.  Advertising prices do vary considerably, from agency to agency and platform to platform.

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