Solution Factors Ltd

PR, marketing and copywriting services can increase the perceived value of your offering and your actual revenue.

Solution Factors works extremely closely with its clients and has a history of growing the organisations it works with.

Solution Factors provides a range of PR, marketing and copywriting services and has built up an enviable track record of delivering business improvement and growth to customers.

Unlike most other agencies and consultants, Solution Factors success is largely down to the fact that it does not subcontract services.

All of the expertise and facilities are in -house, and the pool of company-specific information that develops within the team plays a major role in aiding client growth.

We need to understand your vision and goals.

Having identified your vision and goals, Solution Factors will deliver a strategic marketing plan that will give you a high-level approach to achieving your long-term objectives.

Your plan will include some or all of the following:

  • Your background and current status
  • An overview of competitors Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to your organisation
  • Potential alliances, partnerships, sponsors or endorsements
  • Competitive advantages, messaging and image
  • General awareness, both internally and externally
  • Sources of customers and the most appropriate means of communicating with them.

In many organisations, PR is a strategic tool within the marketing plan, used to gain positive media coverage in a relatively controlled manner.

Within this, there must be a cohesive communication programme, led by your marketing messages, to avoid contradictions and to ensure that your organisations high-level PR messages remain consistent.

PR and Marketing Services Under the Same Roof

Rachael has been working in PR and marketing, generating positive media coverage and providing crisis management in often highly technical and extremely sensitive industries, since 1997.

This makes Solution Factors unusual, because few companies provide PR and marketing services without subcontracting and without charging a retainer. 

Solution Factors’ PR services include both UK and international media coverage in English-speaking outlets. Elements of these PR services include:

  • PR planning
  • generating media coverage through press releases
  • ghost-writing for industry commentators
  • feature story writing and placement
  • responding to media enquiries
  • managing media interviews
  • crisis management.

Including PR in marketing plans is an excellent way of educating an audience or maintaining visibility – particularly when your competitors proactively generate media coverage. 

Examples of Solution Factors’ achievements include: 

  • Providing a property consultancy with media coverage that would have cost around £20,000 in advertising space. Taking an editorial approach, it only cost £8,000.
  • Rachael has ghost-written feature articles for commentators in the financial industry. This has included a member of the Bank of England’s panel of economic stability and a member of the FSA’s governing committee.
  • Within two days of being asked to help the British Paralympic ski squad, we had arranged for them to feature in a fly-on-the-wall documentary and had set up two journalist interviews. We also helped raise funds by sourcing new contacts and writing a sponsorship proposal.
  • Solution Factors achieved extensive regional media coverage for the Extra Mile three-day charity bike ride, which involved 45 teams. We also brought in new sponsorship from Trek Bicycles, which has remained in place since.
Business Hours
  • Monday : 9-5
  • Tuesday : 9-5
  • Wednesday : 9-5
  • Thursay : 9-5
  • Friday : 9-5
  • Saturday : closed
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  • size : 1 Members
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