Acumen Marketing Communications Limited

Acumen is a highly experienced, business-to-business communications agency.

We provide a range of services geared to give our clients a competitive advantage. In virtually every business sector a member, or members, of our team has made a significant impact. 

Acumen is made up of a team of people who have gained experience in almost every major business category in the UK and especially in the building and home improvement industries.

This means we invariably have a short learning curve in any sector.

It also means we can see ways that lessons learnt in one category can be the basis of a profitable solution in another; and we often bring valuable insight to a problem that a client may have not seen themselves.

We use our experience to provide new ideas and creative solutions that are relevant and effective. 

We insist on setting realisable objectives for every brief and pride ourselves on delivering tangible results. 

Some clients only use us for one or two of these disciplines. However, whatever work we undertake or however large a project, we always strive integrate all items so that they benefit fully from the multiplier effect.   

We know our PR. 

They justifiably pride themselves on their writing skills and grasp of often highly technical subjects.

Their relationships with editors of all the key journals ensures maximum coverage for our clients in the most influential media. And their understanding of social media strategy and implementation is a valuable additional resource for our clients. 

Direct marketing is a increasingly sophisticated method of communication (made more so by digital techniques), enables the specific and accurate targeting of any advertising message and calculation of ror, so is an ideal medium where audiences are easily defined.

Standard Pricing
  • Per Hour : £45.00
  • Day Rate : £345.00
Business Hours
  • Monday : 9-4
  • Tuesday : 9-4
  • Wednesday : 9-4
  • Thursay : 9-4
  • Friday : 9-4
  • Saturday : closed
  • Sunday : closed
  • size : 11 Members
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