Ragdoll Research & Planning Limited

Established in 2003, Ragdoll is a leading market research agency specialised in providing a range of qualitative, quantitative and strategic brand consultancy across the UK and International Markets.

To us, market research should not just be a pile of thoughts, or a stack of numbers. As a marketing research agency, we always look to understand a problem, then deploy a range of creative techniques using our heavyweight experience to produce useful market research insights. 

To us, market research shouldn’t just be a pile of thoughts, or a stack of numbers. If that’s what you’re after, you’re in the wrong place.

In the constant pursuit of the new, we think you need to understand the past. We will often augment the new with anything relevant we can get our hands on (previous research, published data, sales data, desk research etc.).

This stretches us, helps us test and translate thoughts, and ultimately makes the outputs more powerful. On their own, many of these pieces of information may be hugely valuable, but stitched together in the right way, are worth more than the sum of their parts. Rather like a ragdoll.

We have a simple view that if you are good people and do good work, then good things will happen.

To that point, Charity has always been a cornerstone of Ragdoll. We have a number of local charities that we supported financially for years.

But we also give away £10,000 in research to charities every year. So, if you are or know someone from a charity that would be keen to apply for this do get in touch.

As a marketing research agency, we always look to understand a problem, then deploy a range of creative techniques using our heavyweight experience to produce useful market research insights.

Standard Pricing
  • Per Hour : £20.00
  • Day Rate : £100.00
Business Hours
  • Monday : 9:00 am�5:30 pm
  • Tuesday : 9:00 am�5:30 pm
  • Wednesday : 9:00 am�5:30 pm
  • Thursay : 9:00 am�5:30 pm
  • Friday : 9:00 am�5:30 pm
  • Saturday : Closed
  • Sunday : Closed
  • size : 13 Members
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