If you are looking to grow your business, increase your brand awareness and develop the leadership and management knowledge of your team we can help. We help you grow your business. But, with the explosion of content on the web today, it means that if you want to create value and drive traffic to your website - it’s much smarter to say ‘fresh content is king.’
High-volume, low-quality content will no longer rank well on Google, as its algorithm will always lift fresh and trending pages in the search results.
Nearly all search engines have a ‘freshness’ filter which introduces ‘recency’ as a search criteria.
From your perspective it is one thing to understand the need for fresh, custom, recent, authoritative and trusted content – but another thing to actually write it in a way that will attract readers — and links.
Professional content writers will not only save you time but money too.
Whether you need to develop a week’s worth of tweets — or prepare a custom whitepaper on an obscure, technical topic — your may not have the resources internally to properly develop good unique content.
Marketing is all about sending a message; what is your message saying about you?