It's also about personal fit. We expect you to feel comfortable working with us, though you'll need to call us to get that sense yourself.
Customers tell us they choose us primarily because they trust us to deliver results for them. They like our expert knowledge, our practical sales experience, and our commitment to achieve results for them. The fact that “you’d been there before and knew exactly the situation I’d found myself in and the type of answers that would work” can be a huge advantage when you’re struggling to find a successful approach.
CPV Consultants are all highly skilled sales professionals, with decades of experience of selling to new customers and building rock solid business relationships with clients from a wide range of business sectors. The fact that “you’d been there before and knew exactly the situation I’d found myself in and the type of answers that would work” can be a huge help when you’re struggling to find a successful approach.
Typically, directors call us in when they recognise that their sales department can’t deliver what they need, usually because of a lack of specialist knowledge about sales systems and process. We don’t just identify the causes of sales problems, we work within business resources to fix them.
Is your value proposition understood by your sellers and how are they communicating it as a sales proposition? How well do they understand precisely what it is about your sales proposition, that your customers are buying?