Metamorphic PR

Metamorphic PR is an award-winning, Manchester-based B2B public relations, content marketing, corporate and marketing communications agency.

Its team of experienced B2B PR professionals each with a minimum of 10 years client consultancy experience are able to offer expertise gained through working with blue chip brands across a diverse range of industry sectors.

It provides high quality, strategic communications consultancy and delivery of communications campaigns based on a combination of traditional media relations activity creating effective materials for journalists and the media with modern, owned media tools and techniques, such as blog content, downloadable guides and video.

The agency won Gold in the 2022 CIPR North West awards in the Corporate and Business Communications category. The Chartered Institute of Public Relations Royal Charter includes the power to grant the status of Chartered Public Relations Practitioner to individuals who meet the required standard of professional distinction.

Jon Clements, founder and director of Metamorphic PR, was awarded Chartered Status in 2011.

Chartered status represents the highest standard of professional excellence and integrity.

As well as reflecting the breadth of experience and achievements, it shows that the practitioner keeps pace in a fast-moving profession, updating knowledge and skills through CPD.

Do you need to know what types of B2B communications activity will help your business reach its objectives?

A B2B communications approach that capitalises on your business strengths and the opportunities in your market?

A plan of regular B2B communications activity that keeps your customers and prospects informed, engaged and interested in your business?

An experienced team of professionals to drive your communications and keep up the momentum, month after month, year after year?

Metamorphic PR can help you answer these questions through access to online benchmarking and measurement specialists that are interrogating online search results in a way that has never been done before.

Media relations form part of strategic public relations activity – focused on building, nurturing and maintaining a company’s relationship with the media.

This requires an understanding of how the media works, what drives the news agenda and how companies can make the most of their interaction with journalists – whether they work for local, regional and national media or specialist trade publications.

Working with an experienced media relations agency is an effective way to navigate the often challenging – but also rewarding – relationship a business can develop with relevant media.

How we help you make the most of media relations:

  • Knowing the media and what drives their agenda
  • Understanding what makes a news story, feature article or opinion piece (and, equally important, what doesn’t)
  • Writing high quality and newsworthy press releases and features that stand out and earn media coverage
  • Working with and gaining the trust of your company’s technical and subject matter experts: translating often complex B2B topics and messages into something the media – and their readers/listeners/viewers – can understand and relate to easily

Building a long-term, trusting relationship with journalists on behalf of your business means:

  • Ensuring both sides get what they need from media relations activity, i.e. the media gets a story and the company conveys its key messages to a relevant audience, with the implicit endorsement of the publication
  • Encouraging inbound media requests for comment – based on building your spokespeople’s reputation as authoritative experts
  • Obtaining an increased share of voice in your market via the media

Blog content is a vital part of an effective B2B content marketing strategy.

With more than a decade’s experience creating blog content for company websites, Metamorphic PR can help you to:

  • Identify the industry topics that your customers are talking about – and which reflect your company’s core expertise
  • Create a rolling programme of blog content creation – ensuring that you deliver regular and insightful information to build a loyal audience of readers
  • Devise structured interviews with your leadership, technical and subject matter experts to get the best of their knowledge and build their reputation as thought leaders
  • Deliver high quality writing consistently that tells a story, shares valuable advice and insights and keeps your audience engaged.
  • Develop relationships with guest experts to provide a diverse range of voices, opinions and guidance that gives your blog an independent feel that readers will trust as much as their favourite mainstream or specialist news site.


Blog content that satisfies Google search engine results

Google ranks content highly if it demonstrates expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness (E-A-T).

Therefore, the content you put on your blog needs to be of the highest quality to rank highly in Google search.

Metamorphic PR will help you ensure your blog content answers “yes” to the critical questions Google asks about content, including:

  • Does it provide original information, reporting, research or analysis?
  • Does it provide insightful analysis or interesting information?
  • Is it a page you’d bookmark, share or recommend?
  • Does it present information in a way that you trust – such as sourcing, evidence or background about the author?
  • Does it have a relevant title and subheadings that reflect the content accurately?
Standard Pricing
  • Per Hour : £100
  • Day Rate : £750
Business Hours
  • Monday : 9-5
  • Tuesday : 9-5
  • Wednesday : 9-5
  • Thursay : 9-5
  • Friday : 9-5
  • Saturday : closed
  • Sunday : closed
  • size : 4 Members
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