Graham Phelps can provide high-quality business skills courses, with proven content and great results.
Topics include all aspects of sales, customer service, management, leadership and commercial skills. Skills and techniques to create, develop and close business opportunities using a customer-focused approach and a value-based (not price-led) proposition. Two-day in-house training course with follow-up review workshop.
“Value-based selling is about adding value through the way you sell, helping the customer make a quicker decision with more certainty and enjoying the process as well.”
This is the flagship of sales skills development training courses. Combining all the biggest and best sales training concepts and ideas into one new, easy to use set of strategies, set-pieces and skills. This includes topics such as consultative selling, solution selling, SPIN, Wilson learning, Sandler complex selling, sales process mapping, benefit and improvement models, strategic, customer-focused, value-based not price led, up selling, cross selling and more. A practical and interactive workshop that explores the most popular most effective advanced negotiation skills, strategies, principles and tactics.
At the heart of this training is the premise that business negotiations, whether you are selling or buying, are inevitable. However, where possible they should be planned for or avoided and their impact minimised. Where this cannot be done, the primary and secondary stages of negotiation should be performed and should serve to reinforce value, agree minor concessions leaving the final negotiation to more senior ‘deal makers’ around one or two key issues.
Over the last twenty years, I have personally trained or coached over 30,000 business professionals in 20 countries and hundreds of organisations.
Profile highlights:
This includes bespoke training programmes using live, video and online learning tools. Published book author and creator of various websites and online learning programs.
Advanced Negotiation Skills - Live Online or Onsite Training
"Close better deals faster"
Why you should attend this training course
This course will help you to improve your self-confidence and understand how best to negotiate contracts
Key learning points include:
Time Management and Working Smarter
One day training course
We may all have different jobs to do, but one thing we all have in common is the need to be productive, organised, and reliable.
This time management course is based on the best of proven principles and the latest research and ideas for hybrid, solo and remote working.
Course Format
This highly practical and interactive training course brings time management to life. It does this through short and interactive presentations, practical exercises with lots of tips, tools, and techniques.
· Managing priorities and structuring your day, individual and as a team.
· Better attention management: Dealing with distractions and staying focused.
· Goal setting, work-life balance and overcoming procrastination.
Who will benefit?
Most people can benefit from implementing a few new ideas to improve their productivity and work-life balance.
Key learning points include:
· Key principles of managing priorities, meet deadlines and being more in control of your workflow.
· Managing expectations, resisting manipulation, and staying in control.
· Ways of structuring your working day and building productive habits.
· Proven techniques for structuring your day, week and normal routine.
· Attention management and how to gain an hour of productive time by reducing distractions.
· A practical way for setting goals and objectives in your work and personal life.
· Be able to spot and deal with procrastination – in yourself and others.
· Working more productivity as team.
· Using communication skills to get more done, in less time, and on time.
· How to start you on time, finish on time, get a lunch-break…and still get everything done.
1. Key principles of working smarter
Managing priorities and planning systems
Improving time management in your team
Goal setting and work-life balance
Dealing with distractions
Overcoming procrastination
Action plan and learning summary