Marketing In 2025

Marketing In 2025Marketing In 2025 – What Does It Look Like?

Every UK business is asking this question, what marketing will work well in 2025?

Did your marketing work well last year?

The answer is very simple – it is exactly the same as it was in the past, but different.  Confused?  OK, let’s dig a little deeper into why marketing is the same and what it is at the same time different.

Online Vs Offline Marketing In 2025

Marketing is split into two main areas, online marketing and offline marketing.

The internet is a different marketing battleground to the offline world.

Marketing on the search engines is very different to a TV advert, or a billboard advert, therefore in 2025 the marketing strategies may be the same as last year, or may be different.

Online Marketing In 2025

The online world in 2025 is vastly different to what it was back in 2015 or even before (it is not that long ago!).

Smart phones dominate the online world with people accessing social media and browsing on their smartphones.

AI has landed and has changed the world of search and website optimisation for companies websites.

Even the various social media platforms like TikTok and Facebook have their own algorithms to deliver you the results you see.  For example, if you have been watching videos on TikTok from a certain creator, then you will see them more on your FYP (for you page).  If you have been looking at pictures from one of your friends on Facebook, then their latest posts will appear on your feed.

For the last few years, SEO companies have advised to do FAQ on each of your pages (frequently asked questions) so that your page should appear in search results if people ask ‘how much does XYZ cost’ (as an example of a FAQ).

Search engines as now smarter than ever, what worked to rank your website last year may actually be causing you issues in 2025, since the algorithm has changed, the rules have changed.

The one thing that has always remained consistent, is your website content.

Content is king, was a buzzword back in the day, and that is still the case today.  Well written, well punctuated, engaging website content is what you want to focus on.

How your website is built and coded is also very important,  but the quality of your website content is key.  Posting new content is also very important.

The reason why news websites and social media websites rank highly on search results is that they have daily (hourly) new content added.  They do not pay an SEO company, they just continue to grow and grow.

Marketing In 2025Offline Marketing In 2025

Offline marketing in 2025 has changed over the decades, remember that offline marketing has been with us for centuries.

When the Romans set up camp in the UK, their shops used marketing in order to get customers, and ever since, businesses over the centuries have used marketing in order to get customers into their shops and spending money.

In 2025, offline marketing is creative and is very varied.

If you are watching TV in the morning while drinking your coffee and preparing for work, you will see various TV adverts which are chosen on purpose to meet your demographic.

  • Adverts for cremation or pre paid funerals
  • Adverts for gardening tools
  • Adverts for garage doors
  • Adverts to buy gold
  • Holiday Adverts

The TV advertising companies think that 30-90 year olds will be watching TV in the morning, so they deliver the kind of advert that may be appropriate.

Digital billboards are now common place in our towns and cities, all advertising both for the local high street (Fast Food restaurants, Specsavers, insurance etc.) and the adverts can be rotated.

Fixed traditional billboards are also common, advertising Sky Broadband, or one of the UK mobile phone companies.

The marketing strategy in 2025 for each of these has not changed from last year, but has moved on as technology as moved on.

Is Social Media Spying On You?

This has been contested,  but how many times have you been having a discussion about horse riding, gym trainers or dog food, then you hop onto Facebook or TikTok and then, bang, an advert for what you were just talking about?

Technology has given marketing a helping hand, to deliver relevant adverts to it’s customers.

This is why Facebook in the early days wanted to collect as much information about it’s users as possible.

  • What films you like
  • What sports you follow
  • What your relationship status is
  • Where you have gone on holiday
  • What food you like

The more information you put onto social media, the more you help social media platforms deliver adverts that may be accurately targeted to you.  Products you need, products you want to buy, holiday deals that may be what you are after.

Hundreds Of Adverts Every Day

The more you think about marketing, the more you may look to subliminally turn off to adverts, but companies are clever.

Subliminal advertising has been going on for decades.

From the music that is played in the supermarket to the colours that are used in adverts.

Supermarkets have done extensive research into marketing, and the marketing challenges for supermarkets in 2025 continue.  Buying branded beans over their own brand, selling specific items that they want to sell you over your buying what you want to buy.

This is why bakers historically do their baking early in the morning, to get the smells going down the street to make you want to buy some fresh bread.

The slow and sad music that charities play in their adverts to get you feeling guilty and increase the chances of you calling the freephone number to make a donation (especially at Christmas).

Whether you are a child or an adult, you are going to be bombarded by hundreds of adverts every day, both offline and online.  Whether you are at school looking at a friends new Nike T-shirt or at work looking at your colleagues branded cup, you are being sold to, mostly without you knowing it.

Marketing in 2025 is becoming smarted, using technology, using science, neurolinguistics, there is a lot of though that goes into marketing of products and services, to make you feel you want to buy, or creating emotion.

Have you ever wondered why expensive sweets or nuts are by the payment tills in supermarkets?  To catch the impulse buyer.

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