Marketing for Churches

Marketing for ChurchesDoes Your Church Need Marketing Support?

Marketing for churches is very important both to help communicate the gospel message, but also to help the church to grow.  The problem is finding the right marketing agency, as there are thousands around the UK.  

We always advise using one that has done marketing for churches in the past.  Marketing for the Christian religion is important.

Just fill in the form above to get free advice and quotes from 5 local marketing companies that have experience in the Christian community.

Why Do You Need Help With Marketing?

Marketing is all about promotion, and you need to promote your  services, your facilities and the Christian message to your local community.  You want to promote the Good News and fulfil the Great Commission of Matthew 28: 16-20.

What Kinds Of Marketing Are Available?

There are a wide range of marketing tools that you can use.  Some are essential and some are helpful in spreading the Good News of the gospel to your local community.

All churches have websites, most use brochures and leaflets and so on.  We have listed a few areas of marketing that most churches can use.

Dynamic And Attractive Websites

Website design for churches is important, certainly in today’s world.  People will search for local churches on the internet and want to see which ones are suited to them.  The website content needs to be engaging and communicating the gospal message

Is your Church more student focused like many in central London?  Which are more traditional or more family orientated.  

Do you provide Alpha courses, or offer “Messy Church’?  The actual website design itself needs to be modern and appealing. Marketing for churches really starts with having a good website.

Most people that are looking for a church will Google it, how close to the top of page 1 is your church?

PR And The Media

PR for churches is very popular, both locally and nationally.

There are a number of PR companies in the UK that work with the christian community, we can help you find one for your church.

Communicating news is often necessary from time to time, both for small churches and large ones.

The Church of England is regularly in the news, both online and nationally on the BBC & Sky News.

Promotional Brochures

Brochures play an important roll in marketing for churches.  Church members of the congregation do like to see newsletters, phone directories, brochures about new events or any form of internal communication.

Brochure design for churches is very important, and does need an experienced agency that knows about marketing for churches.  They will know the Christian community and may even want to come along to a service?!

There may be a leaflet about the benefits of praying, or a leaflet about messy church.

There are often church events going on throughout the year, so a brochure or flyer may be needed for this.

PPC For Your Website

PPC for churches is becoming more popular, as the number of people using the web to find a local meeting grows.  PPC advertising is becoming more important in making the Christian community more visible.

SEO For Your Website

SEO for churches is not essential, in that you are not a commercial businesses.  However SEO does help your visibility, therefore is a good practice for any growing group to consider.  Part of marketing for churches is having good website visibility and SEO makes this happen.


Advertising for churches is becoming more popular, as many are looking to increase their visibility to their local communities through traditional advertising mediums.  There are also initiatives such as Alpha or Street Pastors that need to be promoted to the secular world.


Branding for churches is important, to set up continuity for the congregation to come behind.

How Much Would Marketing Cost You?

The cost of marketing will vary, depending on the kind of marketing that is needed (see above).  Also the kind of agency that is selected (as all have their own fee structure and profit margins). 

As you are a registered charity, you can claim back some of the tax, however there are costs involved with the campaign that may be expensive.  Marketing for churches does not have to be expensive, if you compare quotes you will see.

Many marketing companies offer discounts for doing marketing work for churches or charities, so it is worth asking.

Choosing A Marketing Agency

When considering choosing a marketing agency, it is wise to select one that has experience in the Christian community.  If the agency has done work in the past, and has a track record of success, then they are much more likely to generate results and value for money.

Not all marketing companies are the same, choosing an agency on price alone is unwise.  It is about finding the ‘right’ marketing company that can do a great job.

Compare Multiple Marketing Quotes

Marketing prices do vary from agency to agency.  We do encourage getting a few quotes and proposals to compare, in order to find the most experienced agency at the best price.

As mentioned, comparing quotes is not just about money, it is about finding the best marketing company for your church.

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