Marketing For Artists

Marketing For ArtistsCompare Quotes On Marketing For Artists

Marketing for artists is essential in order to generate new enquiries and aid with development into new areas of creation.

Especially with the effects of COVID, the need for marketing is more important than ever.

With art galleries closed and art exhibition cancelled, creative ways are needed in order to keep income coming in.

Who Is The Best Marketing Company For Artists

This is a question that is always asked, as every UK artist wants to work with the best marketing company in the UK.

As you would expect, this is an impossible question to ask, as there is no way to quantify it.

All marketing companies are different, no two are the same.

It is a little like asking which discipline of marketing is the best.  They are all different and serve different purposes.

The most expensive marketing company in the UK does not make them the best.

Large international artists with offices in different countries will use larger international marketing companies rather than a freelancer, or a small marketing company in Coventry.  This is to handle marketing campaigns in different languages and different countries.

Creative Marketing During Difficult Times

Despite lockdown, people are still interested in art, whether it is to buy a new pairing, a sculpture, or invest in one off sketches.

From low value to high end collectible art, they are all in demand; as such, marketing is necessary to keep enquiries coming through.

Being creative is important since times are now more challenging.  Many creative sectors have had to close due to social distancing, as such being creative is necessary.

How Effective Is Your Website?

Certainly your website is your shop window, in order to keep new commissions coming through.  As such, it is necessary to have a modern and responsive website that is easy to find online and easy to navigate.

Considering web design for artists, you need to showcase your work clearly.

Your portfolio should be clear and pricing should always be available.

Your Brand

As a business, you are in competition, not just with other local artists, but globally.  Your brand is what sets you apart from all the other artists in your genre.

Have you considered your brand?  Have you considered what is speaks about you, what it communicates?

What is your message?  Each creation you produce has a message to communicate, whether it is obvious or subtle your creations speak out.  In the same way, your brand needs to speak about what you represent.

Your branding is at the heart of your marketing as an artist.

Do You Use Social Media?

Social media marketing is a new and is a powerful form of marketing that you as an artist can utilise.

For free you can reach thousands of people, whether using Facebook, Instagram or TikTok.  Better still, you can align yourself with a social media influencer!

Since COVID, many people have started a career as a social media influencer.

Marketing for artists can pretty much all be done on social media, if anything to get your art known globally.  Imagine, if one of your instagram pictures went ‘viral’ (a new team meaning to reach thousands of millions of people within minutes or hours) and suddenly you were inundated with orders?

Specialist Marketing Agencies

There are many marketing agencies in the UK that work with artists.  They know how to support you, how to package your brand and quickly to get your marketing campaign running.

To get quotes from specialist agencies that understand all about marketing for artists in the UK, just fill in the form.

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