Lead Generation For Engineering Companies

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Lead generation for engineering companies is essential these days. The quickest way to get meetings is get on the phone an book them.

However unless you have time and leads to follow up, where do you start?

Telemarketing companies are the best ones to do that for you.  

Marketing for engineering companies in the UK is essential, and has to be done right.

Just fill out the form opposite to get free advice and quotes from telemarketing agencies that have experience in telemarketing for engineering companies.

The Engineering Climate In The UK

The sector in the UK has been through a difficult time over the last 20 years as more and more is being outsources to low cost countries such as China, Mexico and India.

The engineering sector is struggling with keeping up to low cost countries.

Many UK businesses have jumped on the band wagon and are taking advantage of global sourcing of components; even outsourcing their supply chain management. 

The automotive sector is mainly based on import and distribution now, with the only projects being prototypes and repairs.

Getting Appointments For Your Engineering Company

The engineering market on the whole is very much stuck in the last century, many firms not using computers or e-mail and still working off of hand drawings from the 1960’s or 70’s.

Lead generation is also based on who you know, matie down the road and working on recommendations.

As times have moved on, the whole world has modernised and picked up the use of the internet, global supply chain and lean manufacturing except for many UK  companies.

The importance of engineering companies modernising and properly marketing for new business is essential to their survival. 

Very often the sales will be handled by one of the engineers that is not working or the owner calling around some old contacts or previous customers.  As opposed to hunting for new companies, prospecting etc.

There are many telemarketing companies that have a background of the industry, how it works, who the key players are and how to prospect and develop sales leads.

Having a company take on the sales and marketing for your company is essential to you getting new leads through and keeping your shop floor busy. 

Whether this is following up old leads, contacting old clients, or finding new job opportunities.

Lead Generation Resources

There are a number of specialist companies around the UK, ones that know the engineering marketing sector and currently work with industry clients. 

They are regularly contacting local firms, finding out what jobs are going through and what new jobs are coming up.  Seeing what projects there may be in 3 months, 6 months that you may be able to help with.

Telemarketing for engineering companies is a quick way for you to generate new sales enquiries.

They are a sort of market intelligence to the industry.  Knowing who is doing what can give you an idea as to what projects may be coming up.  We have put together some tips for telemarketing, which may be helpful.

The Future For UK Manufacturing?

No-one can really say what is going to happen to UK industry.  The way it is going, the UK is becoming a service industry and manufacturing is mainly outsourced.  

Since the decline of the rail industry and automotive sector UK manufacturing has followed suit and more have been sent offshore. 

There will always be smaller projects around from companies that either do not have sufficient quantities to warrant overseas manufacture or prototype work.

The sad thing is that the UK still holds a strong engineering work force; skilled individuals that have no jobs to keep them going.

The reason is cost.  

It is far cheaper for the larger manufacturing companies to import from low cost countries in Eastern Europe or China than use a local engineering company. 

It seems strange that a component that is made on the other side of the world is half the price of one that is made down the road.  But this is the same for anything (food, clothing, electronics etc.) in the global marketplace.

Manufacturing may come back in due course, so companies just need to struggle on as best as they can with remaining business opportunities that remain.

Rather than spending time on Google, let us help.  Just fill in the form to get free advice on lead generation for engineering companies.

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