PR For Insurance Companies

PR For Insurance CompaniesCompare Quotes From Public Relations Companies That Know The Insurance Industry

PR for insurance companies is a specialist area of public relations that needs to be handled by an industry experienced agency.  

As there are hundreds of PR agencies in the UK, why not use one that is experienced in doing PR for insurance companies.

Just fill in the form to talk with PR agencies that know the financial and insurance industry.

The insurance industry is growing at a phenomenal rate with new companies starting every week.  The industry is dominated by the very large corporate insurance companies (such as Direct Line, AXA, Aviva) and peppered with smaller companies that work locally or offer bespoke insurance.

Price Comparison Sites

The industry has changed with price comparison sites such as,, and all the others offering comparison. Before price comparison sites, people would have to approach companies directly, spending hours on the phone waiting to get quotes.  For this reason very few people swapped companies due to the hassle involved in getting quotes.  

Now that price comparison sites are established (they are always doing TV advertising) the public is now switched on to comparing prices. 

Certainly during times of recession (which has helped the comparison sector) saving money where possible has become a priority for most households.  Standing out in the financial world is important (something that insurance companies cannot do on price comparison sites) so this raises the profile to allow them to do just this.  Insurance PR can do just this.

Competition In The Insurance Sector

The insurance industry has to be the most competitive of any industry, with it being needed for:

  • Cars & Other Vehicles
  • House
  • Mobile Phone
  • Life
  • Health insurance
  • Pet
  • Holiday

Some of these are compulsory, some are optional, but all are hot on the agenda for people. Due to the fact that there are so many areas that insurance is required, makes it one of the most competitive sectors of industry.  It is all overseen by the FOS.

PR & Media Coverage

Due to the fierce competition in the insurance industry; the need for good media is essential in order to stand out. 

Getting media exposure is difficult in the market, due to TV advertising being the main vehicle.   It is used by the big players and the price comparison sites, which makes it hard for smaller insurance companies.  Public relations plays a big roll in marketing for insurance companies.

There are many media agencies that work in this sector (some work exclusively) so it makes perfect sense to talk with them as a first step.  

They will have a good understanding of how the industry works, who the competitors are and how to structure the campaign.  Knowing about insurance PR they will know how to market you in the best way. Online PR is also something that is key in the insurance sector, and something key to brand awareness.

How Much Public Relations Would Cost

The challenges of marketing for insurance companies in competition.  There are over 600 insurance companies in the UK covering a wide range of things, including banks, supermarkets and even car breakdown companies.

Due to the highly competitive nature of the insurance sector, generating brand awareness will be highly competitive, yet essential for any business.  

PR prices do vary considerably, it is wise to compare quotes.  All PR agencies are independent and set their own fees based on their overheads and profit margins.

Just fill in the form to get quotes from 5 local PR agencies that offer insurance PR.  Public relations for insurance companies does not need to be expensive, let us show you why.

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