Inbound Telemarketing

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There are a wide number of telemarketing agencies in the UK that can help you with inbound telemarketing.  

Not all call handling is externally bound, there are a number of UK based experts that offer inbound telemarketing.  

This is commonly known as ‘call handling’ Rather than spending time on Google, let us get you quotes to compare.

Just fill in the form to get quotes from experts that do inbound telemarketing. 

What Is Inbound Telemarketing?

An inbound telemarketing strategy involves customers initiating the first point of contact with a company. Unlike outbound  where telemarketing agents directly reach out to customers to make a sale, inbound enables customers to contact the company when it best suits them, which could yield higher profitability in the long term.

For example, say you saw an advertisement on TV about a gardening product or magazine subscription and you wanted to buy or acquire more information, you need to only reach out to the inbound call center, where a telemarketer is waiting to accept your incoming call.

Also contrary to outbound telemarketing, inbound telemarketing can involve more customer relationship management (CRM) tools and strategies.

Inbound telemarketing can be used both by small companies that do not have the time to handle incoming phone calls, but also large companies that need to outsource.

What Is It Ringing For?

Phone calls can be disruptive things, ever since the telephone was invented it has been disturbing people. 

A ringing phone has to be answered, but sometimes important phone calls can be missed.

For many businesses, getting hundreds of calls is just going to prevent them from doing their work.  For some companies, they are not able to take calls from customers, clients, sales people, students, press, councils etc. 

For some companies, out of hours calls are normal, but again, handling them is hard work.  For this reason, using an inbound telemarketing company is necessary.  

Telemarketing for small companies is often a god send.  Builders, gardeners often cannot answer phone calls when they are on the job.

Freelancers that may be traveling or on the tube may not be able to answer phone calls when they are on the go.

Inbound telemarketing can therefore be just what is needed, handled by a professional call centre.

This is perfect for telemarketing for small companies as it frees up time.

How Much Would Inbound Telemarketing Cost?

Inbound call handling is normally based on telemarketing prices per call handled. 

When a call is taken (and over a certain number of seconds) it is charged to the client. 

Normally re-calls in the same day are not included.  It is wise to shop around and compare quotes as all agencies set their own rates and fees depending on their overheads and profit margins.

This could be £1.50 per call, to take the message, which could result in a new customer, or could be a sales call.

All call handling companies that handle inbound telemarketing are independent, therefore comparing quotes is important.  Not to find the cheapest telemarketing company, but to find the best one for your business, large or small.

Choosing A Telemarketing Agency

Choosing a marketing company to handle your telemarketing may well be a challenge.  If you are choosing a telemarketing agency to handle inbound telemarketing for you, it is wise to shop around and compare quotes. 

We do advise using an agency that has experience in working in your industry, and someone local is always good.

Why Compare Telemarketing Quotes ?

All inbound telemarketing agencies set their own rates.  Smaller telemarkteing agencies normally charge less per day.  Larger telemarketing agencies charge more (as they have higher overheads).  

Paying for a larger inbound telemarketing agency does not necessarily mean you are going to get better results.

The main thing is getting results, so asking the question to the agency is important.  Can you guarantee us results?

To compare quotes on inbound telemarketing, just fill in the form.

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