Words in Motion Ltd

Words in Motion was established almost 20 years ago to bridge the following gaps in the B2B PR/Communications space:

  • The gap between what agencies thought clients ‘wanted’ and what clients said they ‘needed’
  • The gap between what the media needed and what agencies supplied
  • The resulting gulf between what clients were trying to say and what was actually being seen, heard and understood by their target audiences

Clients were treated as commodities, the media with contempt and target audiences to bland, generic material with hapazard messaging that at best informed but never inspired.

Our more personalised approach to B2B PR/Communications is built on the foundation of relationship building, message development and successful communications.

Nurturing the all-important relationships between you, your target audience, and your media. Crafting your key messages to help you achieve your wider business aims and objectives. Creating informative, innovative and inspirational materials that consistently communicating.

It’s never been easier for your business to be communicating 24/7, but what you should be saying, who to, why, when, where and ultimately how?

With a proliferation of content media and communication channels available, there’s more pressure than ever stand out from the crowd and more opportunities to get it wrong.

A diverse program of PR/Comms activities no more constitutes communication success than a random collection of ingredients guarantees a delicious meal.

If the response you’re aiming for is WOW, how do you know your WOW is for the right reason?

In a world where technology allows design parameters and possibilities to be consistently expanded, it’s easier than ever to create a design that is visually eye-poppingly, jaw-droppingly WOW.

However, history is littered with examples of great design that simply didn’t deliver when it came to the all-important question, “But does it work?”

When Steve Jobs said, “It’s not just what it looks like or feels like. Design is how it works”, it’s important to note the word “just”. If design is how it works, then truly successful design is that which successfully achieves its objective, and that very much includes look and feel.

When it comes to your PR/Comms Strategy, that objective is the accurate communication of your key messages so that they are clearly seen, heard and understood.

Any design therefore needs to begin with a deep understanding of what it is you want to say, who to, and why.

An appreciation of all the other communication elements within your strategy plus the context in which the design is to be shared can then help to inform and shape the aesthetic and physical design dimensions.

For us, the WOW we are looking for comes occurs only when the look and feel of any design positively contributes to delivering results.

To be clearly seen, heard and understood, you need a communications strategy that is fit for purpose today, and flexible enough to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Standard Pricing
  • Per Hour : £32.50
  • Day Rate : £400.00
Business Hours
  • Monday : 9-5
  • Tuesday : 9-5
  • Wednesday : 9-5
  • Thursay : 9-5
  • Friday : 9-5
  • Saturday : closed
  • Sunday : closed
  • size : 11 Members
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