The Think Tank

Based in central London, The Think Tank is one of the UK's leading B2B marketing and PR agencies, offering a complete range of marketing services, including brand development, strategic thinking, tactical marketing campaigns, digital communications, PR and design.

We believe in developing integrated and innovative marketing solutions that add value and answer our clients' briefs and objectives, based upon insight, creativity and the combination of marketing disciplines, ensuring media neutrality that delivers results and optimises their return on investment.

We work with our clients to identify the right marketing mix to meet their objectives. The media-neutral nature of our agency allows us to provide fully integrated marketing communications, utilising every marketing technique and discipline available to us to exceed our clients' expectations.

Using our knowledge, expertise, and experience, we work closely with key stakeholders to develop strategic marketing plans that support an organisation's goals.

Ensuring that strategic plans are realistic, achievable and meet a client's objectives is key to our advice. Through a mix of commercial know-how and marketing expertise, we help businesses to set strategic plans that direct brand and marketing activity.

In many instances, The Think Tank works as an integral part of a client's business, providing an outsourced 'marketing department' that not only provides the strategy but also executes, manages and analyses marketing activity.

In other instances, for larger businesses, we work closely with the marketing team to advise and support their strategic goals.

We’re results-focused, with an excellent grasp of the issues facing your sector as well as being up to speed with the broader news agenda.

Our PR experts provide reputation management, executive profiling, publicity, media relations, internal comms, crisis management and broader PR expertise: offline, online, and face-to-face.

Creative use of PR achieves meaningful results; a consistent positioning and media profile will help you meet your business and brand objectives.

To grow your profile we’ll look beyond the humdrum, find the exciting ‘hook’ and place stories people want to read. Driving visibility for your brand, your people and your company.

Through an excellent understanding of how integrated campaigns are most effective, we work closely with in-house teams to ensure PR links with your broader agenda while maintaining a consistent tone of voice.

Good PR isn’t always about gaining media coverage: it’s about reaching the right people. We’ll do this in the most effective way, identifying the key stakeholders and the best route to them.

From strategic planning to tactical campaigns, we support our clients’ communication needs both externally and internally.

Every solid B2B strategy starts with a rigorous exploration of your brand, your aspirations and the wider business context, as well as the needs, desires and habits of your audience.

We dig deep to earn the knowledge and insight that is going to unlock the right brand, marketing or PR strategy to meet your objectives. This means becoming an integral part of your business, and working in partnership with your teams to plot a course for success.

From brand to digital campaigns, PR to content marketing, and everything in between, we provide a complete range of integrated marketing, digital and media relations services to meet your objectives.

With more than 30 years of award-winning B2B brand, marketing, digital and PR campaigns, The Think Tank has the expertise and experience to help your business succeed.

Standard Pricing
  • Per Hour : £25.00
  • Day Rate : £100.00
Business Hours
  • Monday : 9-5
  • Tuesday : 9-5
  • Wednesday : 9-5
  • Thursay : 9-5
  • Friday : 9-5
  • Saturday : closed
  • Sunday : closed
  • size : 42 Members
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