We believe in simplicity and that style speaks for itself. The world wide web is primarily a medium for communicating information and this is what we excel in. We develop attractive, crisp and compelling web designs targetted at your audience, incorporating well-written content that speaks to your customers, understands what they want and calls them to action. We will work with you to establish a clear initial brief for your website and a longer term strategy for its development. Once a strategy is decided on we will use our specific technical and creative skills to fulfill a clear objective.
We will evaluate your competitor’s sites to make sure you’re not missing any trick.
We adhere to principles of web accessibility that ensure your web site is accessible to the widest audience possible.
The internet constantly expands in scope and capability, enabling us to develop ever more complex and entertaining designs, but we never forget the importance of straight-forward user-friendliness.
Our web packages are suitable for everything from the first time one-page personal portfolio website to large-scale e-commerce online shops. We keep our prices competitive by matching your requirements and providing only the options that you need, cutting costs while allowing for upgrades later.
All packages include Logo Design and full colour workups for your website and brand. We either match your existing branding or create something fresh and innovative for you to take forward into otherr aspects of your business.
We know that your website needs to be accessible and readable on all devices. All Kintoweb designs are fully responsive so that your content looks great no matter what. You give us the content and we’ll make sure it fits everything from your smart watch to your 4k TV.
We love to meet new clients, and drink coffee! We know that the range of options available today for your website can be confusing and daunting, so we’ll sit down with you to discuss your needs and lay out the options in a clear and easy to understand way. All with no obligation!