Growing and marketing your care, healthcare or technology company, and finding the “right-fit” PR experts can be difficult, and perhaps you’re unsure about who to approach for help?
For 15 years I was journalist who made my living pitching news stories, features and expert-opinion articles to a massive range of media. Want to raise the profile of your care, healthcare or technology business and help secure more leads?
I got to learn how vital it was to ensure you were always pitching the right ‘story’ with the right ‘angle’ to the right target journalists, and how to pitch to them, when to pitch to them and how important the follow up was. We specialise in healthcare PR, technology PR and care PR
It’s these ‘media insider’ methods that can help you.
Who Is Springup PR?
We help care providers get more enquiries from private families via data-driven PR and digital marketing strategies to fill beds faster and increase revenue faster – all without you having to learn any new skills.
We’ve worked with dozens of care homes and care providers, from large groups to individual homes.
Founded in 2012 by Adam James, an award-winning journalist, we’ve helped care providers 10x their profile and “word of mouth reputation, and increase enquiries by 300%
Here’s a little about Adam James, the founder of Springup PR
The Springup PR team has specialised in using a range of PR and marketing techniques to help residential and nursing operators get more enquiries to fill beds faster and so secure £ millions in revenue faster