We understand that your customers ‘feel’ before they ‘think’. Creating an emotional connection between your brand and your
target market is at the heart of what we do. It’s how great branding engages and how leading businesses get ahead.
We're not a creative agency. The work we produce may be easy on the eye, but it's never about just being creative. Our strength is in understanding; understanding your brief, your business and your target market. Creativity is simply a by-product of producing work that's fit for purpose. The bottom line is we're in the selling business and we never forget it. That's what you pay us for. (We'll throw in the creativity for free.)
We’re in the selling business. But it’s about more than selling your product or service. We sell your values, your ethos; who you are, not
what you are. Products can be imitated. Brands can’t. Clients tell us it’s our thinking that makes the difference between
‘pretty’ creative work and powerful creative results. Whether we’re creating packaging for a leading brand or
developing an identity system for a start-up company, the stronger your brand, the more successful your business will be.
By communicating clearly with your customer you can build loyalty, fend off competition, charge a premium and ultimately
make more profit. Here’s how we can help your brand do that and more.
Leading brands focus on evoking specific emotions across their communications, because as consumers, we all ‘feel’ before we ‘think’. Coca-Cola don’t sell sweetened, carbonated water, they sell ‘happiness’. They’re not the market leader just because of their physical product.
This type of creative thinking usually originates at large agencies with appropriately large fees. At the other end of the scale, boutique agencies often answer briefs with ‘boutique thinking’. We’re different. Colt think bigger with a strategic, emotion-based approach that can be tailored to fit your budget. Our work provokes a response, creates perceptions or can even change them.
Whether you’re a household name or start-up, if you understand that strong branding is integral to how you communicate with your consumer, we’d be delighted to add your name to the list.