Choosing A Graphic Designer

Choosing A Graphic DesignerHelp Is Here For Choosing A Graphic Designer

Actually, choosing a graphic designer is easy, however there are thousands to choose from.  A quick internet search will bring up millions of results.

Let us consider some of the issues, so we can help.

OK, you need some creative work done, you are faced with a small problem…

There are over 20,000 agencies in the UK.  Who do you use?  How do you find a good one?  Do you use a local one, one that knows your industry, someone cheap or a recommendation?

Price comparison is common place these days, with sites for insurance, books, clothes, food, utilities, holidays, DVD’s and many more products on-line that you can very quickly compare prices with. The same can be done with graphic designers to help you find the right designer at the right price.

They Have An Eye For Detail

Graphic design requires an eagles eye for detail, as they say ‘the devil is in the detail’.

If there is the slightest mistake, or a pixel out of place, the logo or design will be off.

Coca Cola made a very slight adjustment to their logo back in 1987, but went back to the 1941 design in 2003 as it looked better.

A great graphic designer will go back to their creation to check the colour balance, alignment, look and overall feel, getting feedback and taking creative criticism.

They Are Very Organised

Organisation is a character trait, something that cannot be learned.

Great design does not just fall down from heaven, there are multiple edits and drafts that go into creating a finished work.

If the designer is not super organised, their designs and variations may well get lost or mixed up as workloads grow.  You may well be sent an earlier design, one that was developed but misplaced by accident.

They Are Used To Working Across A Variety of Design Styles

All businesses are different and each one will require a different design style, depending on the industry and the target audience.  Here are just a few different design styles that graphic designers need to turn their hand to:

  • Art Deco
  • Minimalism
  • Retro
  • Grunge
  • Classic
  • Contemporary
  • Flat Design
  • Psychedelic
  • Playful
  • Illustrated
  • Masculin
  • Feminin

There are many different design styles and graphic designers need to be able to turn their hand to different design styles to suit your requirement.

All designers have their favourite design styles,  but their favourite and your customers may be different.

They Are Excellent Problem Solvers

Graphic designers need to be experts in what they do and can steer you and guide you in finding what you want.

Designers are not just a tool to getting a logo produced, but getting a design to work.  If it is not quite right, they should have that expert eye to be able to see a problem and solve it.

Even if you like their design, they should have that expert eye to be able to look at it and being critical that it is not quite right.

Excellent At Both Oral And Visual At Communication

Communication is an art, not all people are good at verbal and non verbal communication.

To say something on e-mail may well come out differently face to face.

A good design should communicate a message, a design message both from a logo and the text that accompanies it.

Some thoughts to bear in mind:

Local Graphic Design Agencies

In working with a local graphic designer you can do a couple of things.

Supporting a local company (which is always good) but also, this gives you the facility to be able to meet with them regularly, look over designs together and have that personal contact that tends to get lost in the internet age.

Experienced Creative Graphic Designers

To give you the best chance of getting the best finished solution it is advised to work with someone that has a knowledge and understanding of your industry.

Choosing a graphic designer is centralised in their knowledge of your products or services.  They will have a clearer understanding of your product, your market and also of your competitors.

This all helps in getting the right product for you (whether it be a brochure, packaging or any other area of creative work).

Reasonable Priced Graphic Designers

There is no set price for creative work, all agencies charge their own prices, so it is always good to compare prices in order to get the best deal.

Indeed quality does come at a price, however there are lots of agencies that do over charge (as they have cars, holidays etc. that they need to pay for) which you do not want to be caught out for.

Choosing a graphic designer should not be done on price.  The cheapest is not the best; however paying a premium does not necessarily mean quality.  Choosing a marketing company needs to be done with care, marketing is expensive.

The best advice is to compare prices and get a few graphic design agencies (that meet the above criteria) to submit ideas and costs, allowing you to choose the best one at the best price.

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