Brochure design for churches is popular as church events come and go throughout the year.
Compare quotes from local brochure designers that have experience in doing marketing for churches.
Brochures and leaflets play an important roll within the Christian community.
Brochure design for churches is very important, both in spreading the Good News, and also in communicating church information.
Having an attractive design and brand for the church is good, as we live in a modern world of design and social media.
Brochures do play an important roll with Christian communities, as they can offer information about the community (promotional material) for new members.
They could be used for providing information about kids clubs, student meetings, outreach programs or just an overview about the values the church stand by.
Messy church is something that many churches are starting, which has become popular. Many churches run Alpha courses, which also need to be marketed with an information pack.
Many churches have annual reports about where tithes are spent, which are good to publish for all to see.
We do live in a digital world and much of the day to day goings on for churches are updated on the website, but brochures are also needed.
There are still a lot of the older generation that like to have a hard copy to take home and look through at their leisure.
Brochure design prices do depend on a few different factors, such as the number of pages, the number of pictures/photos, and the agency that is chosen (as all designers have their own rates and profit margins).
Here are a few factors that will effect the price of the brochure:
The main thing to remember is that all design agencies are privately owned and profit making. Therefore shopping around for quotes is essential.
Freelancers tend to be cheaper than established design agencies, but freelancers may not have experience in doing brochure design for churches or Christian groups.
There are different forms of brochures that may be suited to churches needs:
As you can see there are lots of options on brochure design for churches, mainly down to if the brochure is 2-3 pages (a trifold) or 10 pages upwards, known as a multipage brochure.
Choosing a marketing company for your church can be a challenge. It is very wise for you to select a brochure designer that has experience in offering brochure design for churches in the past. One that has experience of working with the christian communities and has a good portfolio of other charities they have worked with.
With the hundreds of agencies in the UK to choose from, as a creative marketing comparison website, we want to help you find the best, not the cheapest.
You may well have many questions to ask different brochure designers, but here are a few that spring to mind:
Throughout the year there are a range of Christian events such as Christmas, Lent, Easter that promotional brochures will be required for.
A basic brochure to cover the background and beliefs of the church may be good to give to newcomers, and to get the mission statement written down.
Best thing is to get a few quotes from local creative brochure design agencies that have done work in the Christian community.
It is necessary to shop around and compare quotes as we do with everything in our modern world.
All brochure design agencies set their own fees, so prices will vary considerably.
Brochure designers in London may well charge more than design agencies in Nottingham as their staff costs will be higher, as will rent for their offices.