Cheap Website Design

Cheap Website DesignAre You Looking For A Cheap Website?

If funds are tight and you need a professional yet cheap website design, we advise that you look for quotes on affordable options. 

There are a couple of options – do you get a cheap website or one of the free websites?

Just fill in the form and get quotes from local creative companies who would be able to produce a cheap website for you that looks professional.

Getting A Cheap Website

Many people or companies are in a situation where they do not have sufficient funds in place to get an expensive one designed, and many do not really understand what a website costs.

The thing with them is that they look simple to Joe public.  But if you open the bonnet and have a look at what is behind the screens, (the forms, the pictures, and so forth), there can be seen to be a lot of work needed to create the desired appearance and function.

Only a website designer can look at a website and recognise how much time, effort and cost went into creating it.  Everyone else just sees a screen with words and pictures.

What Is A Cheap Website Design?

A cheap website is open to interpretation, as it would by definition need to be compared to something more expensive.  

Simple sites like WIX are both free and very affordable for new companies.

It does need to be handled with care, remember it is your shop window. As an example of range, a cheap website could cost £50 and an expensive website could cost £500,000.

However a website that is expensive, costing say £20,000, can still look cheap if it is not designed well. 

It may work well, and have all the attributes of a good website, however the overall ‘look’ and ‘feel’ remains cheap. 

Sometimes getting an outside opinion on your website from a family member, a friend or an impartial web designer can be crucially helpful.

How Does A Cheap Website Look?

Choosing a marketing company can be challenging.

Choosing a web designer will vary; some designers will provide budget websites, however they do look cheap.

They can sometimes look deceptively very good.  However, as with so many things, with websites you do get what you pay for.  

If you have a website that cost £400 to get set up, it will probably still look like a £400 one.  Sometimes paying a little bit more can make a very big difference.

If you are working to a budget, then it is always worth looking around and comparing costs. 

All creative companies are different and it is possible to get something very satisfactory on a small budget.

Setting A Budget

Web design prices do vary considerably, so comparing prices based on good advice from designers, may well get you a good looking website that is more affordable than you would expect.

Closing Thoughts

The important question is ‘is cheap web design really worth it‘?  Should you not invest?  

Whether you get a website set up using free web software, or use a designer, is really a personal choice.  

If funds are really low (less than £1,000) then it may be worth getting something free set up to start you off.  You can always approach a website designer once funds are more plentiful.  

Building a cheap website design can be done at sites like WordPress or 1and1.

A website that has been designed by an experienced professional to a high standard, will always look and work better than a free website, but high quality does come at a high price.

Not all website designers are as experienced as they may represent themselves to be, and not really able to produce high quality websites.  

Some are just out of college or do the bare minimum for the highest profit margins.  So it makes sense to ask for examples of their work, or to approach some of their current or previous clients.

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