Corporate ID

Did You Need Support On Getting A Corporate ID In Place?What Is Corporate ID?

Corporate ID stands for ‘corporate identity’; this applies mainly to the look and the feel of your business.

This is closely linked to your branding, your marketing message communicated through your logo, your website, your TV adverts and a whole host of other marketing channels.

Creating a corporate identity is a strategy that companies use to identify and appeal to their target audiences.

Corporate identity is important because the public’s perception of a business can help build a consumer following, thus contributing to success.

It allows the brand to be recognisable to both your target audience and potential customers, which encourages them to select your company over your competition.

With an identity established, a business can shape the public’s perception of it, promote its values more effectively and more efficiently direct its marketing campaigns. For these reasons, understanding the value of a strong corporate identity is essential if you want to grow the influence of your brand.

 It is important (whatever your industry) to have a strong corporate identity.  For this, you need to talk to a branding agency.  

A branding agency will look at your industry, your competitors and create a corporate ID that is unique and powerful.

This would be more the visual side of the overall ‘brand’ as opposed to what the company stands for, it’s ethics, it’s beliefs etc.

This would generally cover the following:

  • A Company Logo : how impacting and striking the logo is.  What is stands for and how it relates it its market
  • A Company Moto : many companies have a strap line incorporated on the logo
  • The Corporate Colours : many businesses use a corporate colour to bond the company

These three elements make up a companies corporate ID and how other businesses will consider you. 

It can them be applied to any marketing material, the website, the corporate building etc.

What Is Your Corporate Identity?

Corporate identity is how a companies entity presents itself to the public. It’s a concept that centers on understanding how internal activities can inform external perception, and then using this knowledge to create an intentional image.

The identity that your business develops entails all of the aspects of its public image, including but not limited to:

  • Your website
  • Your logo
  • Your marketing
  • Employee uniforms
  • Company colours
  • Packaging

All the points working together form your corporate identity, which goes hand in hand with your companies branding.

Targeting your corporate identity needs to be done based on your target market.  

Who are you targeting, businesses or consumers?  Young people or old?

Bearing in mind the UK has a very diverse ethnic mix, so your targeting has to be inclusive of all ethnic groups.

How To Get Your Corporate ID

There are many graphic designers around the UK that offer Corporate identity services.  They will look at your business brand, its market, its customers and your competitors.  

This is to get a feel for how your industry works and relates; then put together different options. It does not need to be complex, looking at some of the top brands, very often simplicity is the route to success. 

This could be a logo of initials such as AA or on the company name such as Taylor Wimpy. 

Branding agencies can also help you with creating and developing your corporate identity.

Get Feedback From Your Customers

Your customers are your biggest critics, so getting feedback from your customers can be invaluable.

  • What do you think of our website, do you like the colours?
  • Do you like the staff uniforms?
  • Do you like the colours of the logo?

Whether your business is business facing or consumer facing, getting feedback from customers can be invaluable.  If your business targets children, even better.  Children do not mince their words, they can more than likely be more insightful from a university trained ‘marketing expert’.

Your corporate identity is what holds together your brand, get it right and it could make you millions.  Get it wrong and you could see your market share reduce and your competitors take over your customer base.

Who Can Create Your Brand?

Part of the graphic design portfolio of services is to produce corporate identities.  Many existing businesses already have this in place and ask the graphic designer to produce a new identity.

Similar to how McDonald’s rebranded from the old clown, to the ‘i’m loving it’ brand.  Some new businesses may need a brand new corporate ID.

Branding companies should also be able to help.  Creating a lasting brand that can impact and engage your customers (list like McDonalds).

Experience Matters

Choosing a marketing company to handle your corporate ID can be a challenge.  Since there are so many branding agencies around the UK, finding the right one can be a challenge.

Certainly you can talk to the top agency on Google, but does that mean they are the best branding company in the UK?

What about the branding company in the office down the hall, would they be a good one to talk with?

The answer is probably not, your corporate identity is an important marketing decision, getting it wrong could be a very expensive mistake.

Like any price comparison website, we aim to help you find the best agency, for the lowest price.  Fill in the form to get branding prices to compare.

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